A total of 13.5 million euros have been paid during the first three months of 2022.
The Agricultural and Fisheries Guarantee Fund of the Balearic Islands (FOGAIBA), an entity under the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, has paid during the month of March 5,603,331.26 euros in aid to the primary and agri-food sector of the Balearic Islands. Specifically, this is aid from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the Rural Development Program (RDP), and the State Aid Service and the Common Organization of Agricultural Markets (CMO).
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The largest payment corresponds to 2,200,444.60 euros in direct CAP aid for the 2021 campaign. These are aids that, in most cases, were pending field controls or have presented deficiencies, which have already been resolved. As regards RDP aid, two significant payments have been made. On the one hand, 1,146,874.44 euros corresponds to the aid for the creation of companies for young farmers, and 1,155,921.76 euros of the compensatory payment for mountain areas. Also, 526,607.33 euros have been paid for investments in farms and more than 97,000 euros for investments in processing and marketing.
In reference to the State Aid and CMO Service, 66,594 euros have been paid corresponding to the line of support to the livestock sector in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, 66,835 euros to the fishing sector and 38,683 euros for agricultural insurance.
In total, during 2022, FOGAIBA has paid 13.5 million euros in aid to the primary and agri-food sector of the Balearic Island