On Friday ten more lines will be activated in the TIB bus network, among the measures of the shock plan of the Govern to mitigate the impact of the war.
From April 29th there will be a train every ten minutes between Inca, Marratxí and Palma, and every forty minutes from Manacor and Sa Pobla
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The Minister of Mobility and Housing, Josep Marí, accompanied by the director of Mobility and Land Transport, Jaume Mateu, today presented the public transport measures framed within the shock plan of the Government to mitigate the impact of the war. At a time when fuel prices have risen sharply, the Government proposes public transport as a good alternative to travel by private car, a more sustainable alternative and at the same time much cheaper for users.
The Minister Josep Marí explained: “We are launching an ambitious plan to reinforce public transport in Mallorca, we reinforce connections, increase frequencies and put more buses in circulation, while doubling the frequency of trains at rush hour. And to this commitment to increase services we add the effort to maintain the fares of this public transport, so that it is the Administration and not the users who assume the increase in energy costs of trains and buses”.
Increase in bus and train frequencies
The councilor has presented as the first measure to face the new economic context the increase of the frequencies of public transport in Mallorca. On the one hand, from Friday, April 8, the bus service will reinforce the trunk lines between the areas with more demand and Palma with high frequencies in the central hours of the day. The offer for workers in tourist areas and the coastal areas of Calvià, Alcúdia Bay, Costa de Llevant, Cala Rajada and Vall de Sóller is also reinforced, with an urban service with high frequencies for local trips for workers and visitors. In addition, three of the four Aerotib lines are put into operation with the incorporation of stops on demand in Es Pont de Inca Nou and Sa Pobla.
This means that from Friday ten more lines will be activated within the TIB bus network, from the current 52 to 62, and twenty of them will extend the service. This means that 66 more buses will circulate between the towns of Mallorca from this month. An increase of service that will mean the incorporation of 161 drivers.
On the other hand, the railway service will also be reinforced from April 29th, with more frequencies at rush hour. There will be a train every ten minutes between Palma, Marratxí and Inca, doubling the current frequency, which is twenty minutes. In addition, users will have a train every forty minutes from Manacor and Sa Pobla, when at the moment they have a frequency of one hour. The new frequencies will be applied in both directions and from Monday to Friday.
5 euro vouchers and free of charge for refugees
Another measure to facilitate mobility to new users of public transport is to invite residents who do not yet have the Intermodal Card to get one. For this reason, 5 euro vouchers are given to users who, from now until June 30, get a TIB transport card for the first time. This gives an option to citizens who usually move with private vehicles and now have seen increased spending by rising fuel prices.
The Conselleria also wants to make it easier for refugees, both victims of the war in Ukraine and other conflicts, their integration in the Balearic Islands and provide them with free travel. For information about the service and the new measures, please visit the web tib.org.
Pre-COVID demand is exceeded by 11%.
During the month of March there has been an increase in both train and bus users. The upward trend in demand this winter has accelerated this past month. During the first quarter of this year, interurban public transport exceeded the demand that existed in the pre-COVID period. Specifically, there has been an increase of 10.84% over the same period of 2019. The most significant growth has been in the demand of the bus network with an increase of 22.19%, comparing the first quarter of this year compared to the same period of 2019