The Office of Self-consumption is open to answering citizens’ doubts and queries

Apr 19, 2022 | Post, Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, through the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), has launched this information and advice service to support individuals, businesses and companies in the deployment of installations for self-consumption of electricity.

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The Self-consumption Office responds to the need to provide information to the general public, local administrations and the different organisations involved. In order to promote self-consumption, it is necessary for citizens to have easy access to information. This is why this reference unit has been created, which acts as a focal point for the different actions of dynamisation, information and awareness-raising.

The aim is to deal with queries related to self-consumption installations, clarify regulatory, technical and processing doubts, and direct consumers to the agent with the competence to resolve the issue raised and guide them through the steps to be taken in each case. In this way, it establishes a transparent and easily accessible channel for users.

The office also compiles on its website technical guides and relevant publications on self-consumption, links to relevant organisations, frequently asked questions and MITECO information, to provide consumers with a single gateway to information on self-consumption. It also includes a document with almost a hundred frequently asked questions on the subject.

Dissemination actions
The Self-consumption Office is one of the actions included in the Self-consumption Roadmap, a strategic document that includes 37 measures to raise awareness, train professionals and disseminate information, with the aim of improving the public’s knowledge and acceptance of self-consumption. To this end, and in line with its commitment to dissemination, the IDAE has released a video explaining self-consumption and its implementation in Spain.

The lack of knowledge about self-consumption and its possibilities is one of the main barriers identified in this Roadmap, which estimates that Spain could reach 9 GW of installed self-consumption capacity by 2030 in the target scenario, and 14 GW in the high penetration scenario.

Commitment to self-consumption
The production of electricity for self-consumption is a key element of the Long Term Decarbonisation Strategy, which aims to be a carbon neutral economy by 2050. The National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030 also foresees the development of a National Self-consumption Strategy.

In this context, Spain occupies a privileged position compared to other neighbouring countries. Firstly, it has competitive advantages in terms of having better renewable resources, especially in solar energy, but it also already has a solid industrial value chain, with world-leading manufacturers of inverters and structures in the photovoltaic sector, major manufacturers of mini-wind turbines and large engineering and development companies.

The Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (RTRP) for the implementation of the Next Generation EU funds is an opportunity to accelerate its deployment on a massive scale. Within this framework, the MITECO has launched aid worth 660 million euros, which can be extended to 1,320 million euros, for self-consumption installations, storage behind the meter and air conditioning with renewable energies.

These lines are expected to incorporate at least 1,850 MW of renewable generation. It is estimated that more than 25,000 direct and indirect jobs will be created, GDP will grow by 1.7 million euros for every million euros of aid and CO2 emissions will be reduced by more than one million tonnes per year.