Thirty inspectors and sub-inspectors will carry out 1,200 scheduled actions throughout the islands in July and August.
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The Plan was presented by the President of the Government, Francina Armengol, accompanied by the Minister of Economic Model, Tourism and Employment, Iago Negueruela. Both have informed the social and economic agents of the main features of this Plan, which this year will focus its efforts on aspects of part-time work and working time, as well as on working day registers, overtime and breaks between working days.
There will also be a control on temporary employment, although this year it will have less impact, given that since the entry into force of the labour reform, the majority of contracts in the Balearic Islands are permanent, which means that the temporary employment rate is almost half of what it was three years ago.
Specifically, the special measures during the central months of the tourist season will continue to focus on the quality of employment, with the control of fraudulent part-time working hours; the monitoring of working time conditions, especially illegal overtime, the registration of working hours (compulsory from May 2019) and weekly breaks between working days. In any case, the actions will have a cross-cutting component in terms of social and gender impact, since it is often women who suffer most from the effects of precariousness.
The Plan will also monitor the conditions of temporary employment, despite the fact that this factor is already at European levels, and actions will also be taken to control the lack of registration with the Social Security and to combat the irregular economy.
During the presentation of the plan, the President of the Government claimed that this is a measure “once again agreed with the social and economic agents”. She also assured that “experience shows that this is a useful instrument because during the five previous editions of the plan we have managed to improve the working conditions of more than 30,000 workers in the Balearic Islands”.
The distribution of the number of inspectors by islands will be the same as in previous editions: 14 in Mallorca (560 actions), 8 in Ibiza (320 actions), 6 in Menorca (320 actions) and 2 in Formentera (80 actions). The Plan also includes an administrative officer in Ibiza and Formentera to speed up the processing of cases. At the end of the campaign will be a balance with the main results of this summer.
The results of previous campaigns
Since the implementation of the first Plan de Lucha in 2015, more than 30,700 workers have improved their working conditions; in the last year, the number of beneficiaries was more than 6,700 workers.
Likewise, the evolution of the labour market also indicates that year after year the rates of part-time and temporary work are decreasing.
In terms of part-time employment, the part-time rate has fallen by 4.5 points since 2015, standing at 14% in the first four months of 2022. These figures are a far cry from the national picture, which still stands at 22.1%. However, there is still a very high undesirable component in part-time work, to the extent that six out of ten part-time workers are undesirable, while this rate in the EU is reduced to two out of ten people.
An added factor is that part-time work is much more pronounced among women than among men, to the extent that it has doubled in recent years: the female part-time rate in 2021 was 21.3%, compared to 10.3% for men in the Balearic Islands.
In terms of temporary employment, and since the entry into force of the labour reform, the rate has been substantially reduced in the Balearic Islands, reaching 15.8 % in April, while the national average is still 24.8 %. Moreover, the temporary employment rate in the Balearic Islands is already around 14% of the EU-27.
The presentation was attended, in addition to the president and the councillor, by the territorial director of the ITSS, José Carlos Álvarez, the director general of Labour, Virginia Abraham, and representatives of PIMEB, UGT, CCOO and CAEB.