94.5 per cent of three-year-old pupils get a place in their first-choice school.

Aug 5, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The percentage of pupils who obtain a place in their first-choice centre is consolidated.

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\ The number of places requested falls, especially for 3-year-olds.

Once the schooling process for the 2022/23 academic year has been completed, this year a total of 13,291 applications have been submitted for all educational levels (371 fewer than last year), of which 8,411 correspond to 3-year-olds (574 fewer than last year).

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The Regional Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Martí March, pointed out that the figures show that in “this community the free choice of schools is a reality” and noted that one of the significant aspects of this year is the drop in applications, especially for three-year-olds, following the trend in the rest of Spain, which has traditionally been compensated here by the arrival of new pupils.

For his part, Antoni Morante, Director General for Planning, Organisation and Centres, stressed that the drop in applications is due to a fall in the birth rate. “Indeed, this drop in the ordinary period is normally compensated in our islands with the arrival of new students, but it would not be excluded that in September we could have a drop in the number of students enrolled, which is unusual in our community, which has established itself in recent years as one of the few in Spain in terms of student growth, due to this compensation of foreign students”.

Of the total number of places requested, 10,617 (79.8%) were obtained in the centre of the first choice, which represents an increase of 3.3 points compared to last year. This is the highest percentage in recent years. On the other hand, 11,338 have obtained a place in one of the centres they had chosen as their first or second option (85.3%), which is one point less than last year.

As for three-year-old students, who make up the bulk of students participating in the process, 7,951 (94.5%) have obtained a place in their first choice school, one point more than last year (93.5), the highest value since the 2015-16 academic year. On the other hand, 8,265 (98.3%) obtained a place in one of the options they chose as their first or second choice, practically the same as last year (98.4%).

By islands, the percentage of 3-year-old pupils who have obtained the place they applied for in their first option is as follows:

Mallorca: 6,607 places were requested (7,000 last year) and 6,313 in the first choice centre. Thus, this year 95.6% have obtained a place in the centre of the first choice. Last year it was 94.6%.

Ibiza: 1,137 applied (1,204 places last year) and 1,004 obtained a place in the centre of the first choice. Thus, this year 88.3% obtained a place in the centre of the first choice. Last year was 89.4%.

Formentera: 74 places requested (77 places last year) and 73 have obtained a place in the centre of the first choice. So this year 98.7% have obtained a place in the centre of the first choice. Last year it was 92.2%.

Menorca: 593 places applied for (704 last year) and 561 obtained a place in the centre of the first choice. Thus, this year 94.6% have obtained a place in the centre of the first choice. Last year it was 89.3%.

Total Balearic Islands: 8,411 places applied for (8,985 last year) and 7,951 obtained a place in the centre of the first choice. Thus, this year 94.5% have obtained a place in the centre of the first choice. Last year it was 93.5%.