A total of 168 tourism companies have applied to the call opened by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism to intensify the digitisation of the sector through the development and implementation of unique and transformative technological projects.
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A total of 51 projects were submitted to the call for proposals, as companies in the tourism sector had to apply as a group and with at least one technological partner.
The digitisation of the tourism sector is considered key to continuing to attract increasingly hyper-connected tourists with higher added value stays. For this reason, the Modernisation and Competitiveness Plan for the tourism sector, financed with Next Generation EU funds, devotes preferential attention to the digitisation of tourism companies and destinations.
The so-called ‘last mile’ call has a budget of 25 million euros for grants ranging from 300,000 euros to 5,000,000 euros.
This programme is part of the Plan for the modernisation and competitiveness of the tourism sector (component 14 of the Recovery Plan) and is structured around two lines of action:
Line 1:For innovative technological development projects that incorporate emerging or newly developed technologies with medium/low technological risk and that make it possible to improve the competitiveness of the tourism sector by incorporating emerging or newly developed technologies in the field of the internet of things, 5G, big data, cybersecurity or mobile applications, without limitation. This line is endowed with 20 million euros and may finance projects with a minimum budget of 500,000 euros up to a maximum of 5 million euros.
Line 2: For projects for the implementation and adoption of new technologies that incorporate technologies previously tested in the market with low technological risk. This line is endowed with 5 million euros and may finance projects with a minimum budget of 300,000 euros and a maximum of 750,000 euros.