Inca launches a new line of aid for summer school users

Sep 3, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Inca Town Council has launched a new call for applications for grants for children living in the municipality who attend or have attended the summer schools that have been held in the capital of Inca during 2022. “Once again, with these grants, we want to give families a hand so that the youngest members of the family can participate in the leisure and sports activities available in the city and enjoy the summer”, explains the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

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The deadline for applying for the aid will therefore be open from 9 September until 30 September 2022. Applications for grants can be submitted at the General Municipal Registry Office, at the Casal de Joves “Sa Fàbrica” youth centre, or electronically through Inca City Council’s Electronic Headquarters.

Specifically, the period for carrying out the subsidised activities runs from 27 June 2022 to 9 September 2022. On the other hand, the summer schools must have been held in public spaces and the organisers must present the corresponding documentation of the activity.

This line of subsidies is aimed at summer school students who, in addition to being registered in Inca, fall into one of the following categories: at least two siblings enrolled in the summer activity; being a member of a large family; having some type of physical, mental or sensory disability; single-parent family. The budget allocation for this line of aid is 7,000 euros.