Approval of the extensions of the Home Respiratory Therapy Service of the Health Service, in the Balearic Islands

Sep 21, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ Two different lots, which together amount to 13.8 million euros, have been extended.
\ This service is aimed at patients with chronic respiratory pathologies.

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The Consell de Govern has today approved the expenditure corresponding to the extensions of the service for the provision of home respiratory therapies and other assisted ventilation techniques to users referred by the Health Service. At the end of 2020, this contract was awarded in two different lots that are now extended for two more years. The total combined amount of both extensions is 13.8 million euros.

The extension of the service that is the subject of this contract is determined by the need to administer oxygen therapy and other respiratory therapies at home to patients with chronic respiratory pathologies. Home care provides a clear advantage to patients, as it provides them with greater comfort, given that they stay at home, in addition to the advantages of receiving individual and protocolised care.

In October 2020, the provision of this service was signed in two different lots with two companies. On the one hand, with Linde Médica, SL, for a planned duration of two years, extendable for two additional years, and for the amount of 7 million euros. On the other hand, with the company Air Liquide Healthcare España SL, for a planned duration of two years, also extendable for two additional annual instalments, and for the sum of 5.8 million euros. The administrative file foresaw in the administrative clauses the possibility of extending these two files for a further two years.