The councillor for Health and Consumer Affairs, Patricia Gómez, met today with the director general of Quality, Transformation and Knowledge Management of Asturias, Tania Cedeño, and with the coordinator of the Family and Community Medicine course on the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine at the University of the Balearic Islands, Ignacio Ramírez. During the meeting, Gómez and Cedeño agreed on the need to reinforce training in primary care within the framework of the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine, and Ramírez explained the benefits of including the subject at the UIB since the start-up of the Faculty.
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In the case of the Balearic Islands, this is a compulsory subject that allows future professionals to become familiar with the fundamental role of this healthcare area as a manager of the population’s health, and which accompanies people in the processes they develop throughout their lives, always trying to facilitate coordination with the different levels of care and other social services when necessary.
Promoting this training must generate interest among students so that they choose this speciality and attract new professionals prepared to face the challenges of the future, with skills not only to diagnose and draw up specific plans for each person but also to work in multidisciplinary teams, to develop individual and collective problem-solving capacity, to train autonomously on an ongoing basis, to research and to offer to teach.
The councillor and the director general also shared the initiatives that have been set in motion and the objectives that have been established in the short and medium term in the two regions to strengthen primary care.
It should be recalled that, in line with the Primary and Community Care Action Plan approved by the Ministry of Health in December last year, the Health Service drew up a regional plan for the period 2022-2026. This strategic document, which was presented on 1 April to primary care coordinators, establishes very clear lines of action, objectives and actions aimed at strengthening its leadership and ensuring that it can deploy its full potential, not only in terms of care but also in health promotion and disease prevention.
Primary care in the Balearic Islands has been a priority for the Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, which is why from 2015 to 2021 investment has increased by 35.8% (some 137.5 million euros) and, at present, the budget of the Health Service allocated to primary care is already close to 500 million and represents 24% of the total Health budget.