Closing of the training projects promoted by Inca Town Council, within the framework of the SOIB 30 and SOIB Jove Formació i Ocupació mixed programmes.

Nov 8, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Inca Town Council and the Training Centre have held a closing ceremony to mark the end of the mixed training and employment projects that have been carried out over the last few months, within the framework of the SOIB 30 and SOIB Jove Formació i Ocupació programmes. Thus, thanks to this initiative, a total of 44 people have been able to participate in a 12-month training plan, which combines training and apprenticeship while developing effective work in the city council.

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“We are very happy to have been able to develop these projects once again and thus contribute to promoting and fostering labour insertion and promoting quality employment,” says Alice Weber, councillor for Training and Employment of the Inca City Council.

Specifically, the “Inca Rural” project, which focuses on dry stone construction and agriculture, has been developed in Serral de les Monges Park. Thus, during their training period, the students of this programme have been able to participate in the construction of a dry-stone wall and staircase in Serral park and the maintenance of green areas and urban vegetable gardens.

A new edition of the Inca Watts training project on electrical installations was also carried out, as well as the Inca Estella wood project, aimed at people over 30 years of age. In this case, the participants have contributed to the assembly of wooden equipment and electrical installations in schools, sports areas and other municipal facilities.

Finally, the last project launched by the Training Centre is “Inca Gestiona” for administrative staff, which has also helped with administrative management tasks in different municipal areas.

The SOIB Jove Formació i Ocupació projects have been financed by the SOIB, with the participation of the SEPE and co-financed by the European Social Fund. The SOIB 30 Training and Employment projects have been financed with SOIB funds through the Sectorial Conference.