Inca presents the events of the Dijous Bo big week

Nov 9, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Museum of Footwear and Industry of Inca was the setting for the programme presentation for the Dijous Bo big week. The Mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, and the Dijous Bo councillor, Antoni Peña, accompanied by other members of the Consistory and representatives of local associations and entities, today unveiled the programme with all the events that will take place in the capital of Raiguer on the occasion of the great Fair of Mallorca.

“On 17th November, we will once again open the doors of our municipality-wide and show the thousands of people who visit us everything that makes up and strengthens our characteristic Inca pride. Craftsmanship, gastronomy, commerce, industry, peasantry? Traditions and customs that combine with new and modern experiences represent the essence of our city; and turn us into the capital of the Balearic Islands for a day,” said Mayor Moreno.

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For his part, councillor Peña stresses that “the good reception and the high level of participation we have had during this weekend of fairs will be a good prelude to this Dijous Bo, which we hope will be a success and that everyone will come out onto the streets and enjoy all the events we have prepared with great care and dedication”.

In this sense, Moreno has appealed to all inquers and inqueres to encourage them to participate and invite friends and family to come to Inca and participate in the fair of fairs. “The Dijous Bo is more than a day, is a feeling that fills us with satisfaction and makes us get the chest. Dijous Bo is made up of everyone who participates in the events that we have presented today and contributes to making the town, along with all those who organise it and make it possible,” recalls the mayor of Inca.

Thus, the Semana Gran del Dijous Bo begins on Friday before with the opening speech by Joana Maria Coll. Then, during the weekend before Dijous Bo, the festivity of Santa Maria la Major, the co-patron saint of Inca, is celebrated. During these days, the traditional bonfires of the verbena are held, as well as well-established events such as the correfoc Inc’Fern, the Vermut Fest and the Dijous Bo Rally. On the other hand, the Dijous Bo Awards Ceremony takes place on Tuesday 15th November at the Teatro Principal in Inca.

The farmers’ market will once again be the main feature of Dijous Bo Wednesday and Dijous Bo with hundreds of stalls and kilometres of exhibition space, which will be open from 10 a.m. on Wednesday. There will also be a livestock exhibition, a seafaring exhibition, an exhibition of vehicles, lorries, heavy machinery and agricultural machinery, a philatelic exhibition, a plastic arts competition and many other activities.

The full programme for Thursday Bo 2022 can be consulted here:

Finally, it should be noted that the presentation of Dijous Bo has been held at the Museum of Footwear and Industry of Inca to highlight the traditions of the capital of Raiguer, in accordance with the image that promotes the great Fair of Mallorca, which includes a drawing of a hat, a shoe, an ensaimada and a tomato, traced in a single line on geometric typography with the letters of Dijous Bo. In addition, this year the Inquer Museum has also received the European Museum of the Year Award, in the category of Participation and Commitment to the Community.