The Sustainable Tourism Tax of the Balearic Islands, promotes the launch of the environmental education programme of the Es Trenc Natural Park.

Nov 13, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The activities are aimed at schoolchildren to encourage a respectful attitude towards the environment.
This November, the Es Trenc-Salobrar de Campos maritime-terrestrial nature park has launched a programme of environmental education and interpretation activities aimed at the educational community to raise awareness of the natural and heritage values of the park.

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For this school year, the pedagogical offer has different didactic proposals for the students to learn about the geography, natural systems and human settlement that surrounds them. The Parc has a great ecological, natural and landscape richness. Numerous habitats coexist in the beach-dune system, including Posidonia meadows, salt marshes, pine and juniper forests, as well as crop fields and livestock farms.

The aim of this educational offer is to avoid behaviour that is harmful to the environment and to correct environmental problems in people’s relationship with the territory. In order to deepen the learning process, the activities are preceded by a previous visit to the educational centre by the park staff before developing the interpretative itinerary, which serves to introduce the students to the discovery of the Park and to specify with the teachers and professors the objectives and curricular contents of the outing.

The itineraries and workshops are offered from Monday to Friday and are aimed at pupils from nursery school to high school. The educational offer and the request for activities can be consulted at the following link:

This offer is part of the interpretation and environmental education programme of the public use area of the Programa Anual d’Execució del Parc natural marítim-Terrestre Es Trenc-Salobrar de Campos (Annual Execution Programme of the Es Trenc-Salobrar de Campos maritime-terrestrial natural park). These activities are financed by the Fund for the Promotion of Sustainable Tourism through the project “Recovery of habitats and management of the public use of the Es Trenc-Salobrar de Campos maritime-terrestrial natural park”.