Education in the Balearic Islands will apply new measures to fill specialist teaching posts in schools.

Nov 16, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ On a voluntary basis, these posts will be offered to specialist teachers at schools with unfilled posts.
\ These are places in any speciality that have not been awarded through any procedure established for this purpose.

The Consell de Govern has today authorised the Conselleria de Educació i Formació Professional to modify the Agreement of the Consell de Govern of 17 April 2015 in relation to personnel expenses corresponding to the productivity complement and bonuses for civil servant staff in the service of the Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands and the entities that make up the instrumental public sector of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands. This modification is based on the agreement reached by the Education Sectoral Committee on 3 November.

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The aim is to be able to fill around thirty specialist teaching posts in schools in the Balearic Islands. The Regional Ministry will offer, on a completely voluntary basis, to the teaching staff of the centre vacant specialist posts if they wish to cover the hours, always bearing in mind that efforts will continue to be made to cover these posts through the existing ordinary mechanisms.

This measure responds to the experience accumulated in the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, where it is becoming increasingly difficult to cover, either definitively or provisionally, certain posts or specialities, due to insufficient teaching staff. There are several contributing factors: insularity, the unique factor of the autonomous community; the lack of sufficient graduates in certain university studies; the choice of certain graduates, particularly in the scientific and technical field, to work in the private sector; the level of qualification and specialisation of certain teaching specialities; the existence of jobs which, due to the organisational needs of educational establishments, are only offered on a part-time basis; the progressive increase in the number of students on our islands and the increase in demand for certain studies, or the introduction of new studies, in particular with the strengthening of vocational training courses.

In order to respond to these problems, the Regional Ministry has created measures in the management of teaching staff which, within the framework of the powers attributed to it, have managed to alleviate the difficulties in covering certain teaching posts. Among these measures is the call, on an exceptional basis and by means of a competitive procedure, for posts that meet the requirements established in article 2.1 of Law 20/2021, of 28 December.

This procedure, of an exceptional nature, is in addition to all those processed each school year by the Directorate General for Teaching Personnel.

Extraordinary procedure, education

Education shall provide, when necessary for the proper functioning of the educational service and in a reasoned manner, that the limit of 80 hours of overtime per person and school year may be exceeded, with a maximum of 150 hours, equivalent to a maximum average of 5 hours per week of a school year.