The Health Sector Roundtable approves the bases for calling the selective processes of the Stability Plan for 4,115 vacancies

Nov 19, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Mesa Sectorial de Sanidad, formed by the Health Service and the union representatives of the organisations UGT, SIMEBAL, SATSE, CSIF, CCOO and USAE, has today approved the general bases and merit scales that must govern the selective processes of the Stability Plan for the 4,115 positions to be called: 2,496 by competitive examination and 1,619 by extraordinary competition.

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The Sectorial Committee was attended by the Regional Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Patricia Gómez, accompanied by the Director General of the Health Service, Manuel Palomino, the Director of Management and Budgets of the Health Service, Mar Rosselló, and the Deputy Director of Labour Relations, Pedro Jiménez.

The Health Service and the trade union representatives have approved the bases for calling the additional public employment offer to give job stability to health care workers, within the new scenario approved by Law 20/2021, of 28 December, on urgent measures to reduce the temporary nature of public employment, which aims to set the structural temporary employment rate at a maximum of 8% in the public administrations as a whole.

Likewise, it has also been approved to recognise with retroactive effect for two years the payment of 100 % of the professional career, which until now was 25 %, to interim and temporary statutory staff. The Health Service expects this measure to benefit approximately 2,000 professionals at a cost of 7.8 million euros.

In addition, the Sectoral Committee today approved the 1st Plan for Equality between Women and Men, which has the ultimate goal of achieving equality between women and men within the organisation and eliminating discrimination on the grounds of sex.

The Health Service’s 1st Plan for Equality between Women and Men has the following six general objectives:

Promote and implement the gender perspective in the entity’s human resources.
To promote equal access to training and raise awareness and provide information on gender equality.
To promote, encourage and raise awareness of the reconciliation of personal, family and working life.
Determine and implement the necessary measures with a gender perspective to guarantee the occupational health of staff.
Define and implement the appropriate procedures to deal with situations of special protection, such as violence against women or sexual harassment.
Consolidate the gender perspective in a transversal manner throughout the Health Service.

In order to achieve these general objectives, work will be carried out on six axes or areas of action:

Reconciliation of work and professional growth
Awareness-raising and training
Work-life balance and co-responsibility
Occupational health
Situations of special protection
Culture of equality and organisational measures

A monitoring committee, made up of representatives of both the administration and the workers, will draw up periodic reports to check the implementation of the measures and the fulfilment of the objectives.