Companies and organisations in the Balearic Islands will receive 4 million euros to promote shared electric mobility

Nov 20, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Vice President of the Government and Minister for Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory, Juan Pedro Yllanes, presented this week the call for subsidies to promote the implementation of car-sharing systems in the municipalities of the Balearic Islands, with a budget of four million euros from the Investment Plan for the Energy Transition of the Balearic Islands (PITEIB).

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Yllanes, who presented this aid together with E-Cotxe, a car-sharing cooperative that has been operating in the municipality of Palma for five years, stated that the aim of these funds is “to subsidise the purchase of vehicles such as cars, motorbikes, bikes, scooters and vans, as well as recharging points, management systems and the drafting of specifications to implement shared mobility systems”.

“The improvement of public transport is undoubtedly a commitment that the Government is promoting to reduce private travel. Even so, we are aware that private vehicles will continue to be necessary. In this sense, we want to commit to shared mobility. Private vehicles spend more than 90% of their time at a standstill, taking up space, as well as representing a high cost. Shared mobility aims to optimise the use of these vehicles, both environmentally, economically and socially. It is not a question of electrifying the entire vehicle fleet, but of moving towards a new paradigm where it is easier to live without a car,” he said.

The call for proposals

The Investment Plan for the Energy Transition of the Balearic Islands is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the European Union (NextGenerationEU), and establishes six action programmes. Specifically, in programme 5, “Socially just renewable generation and storage”, action line P3.L1 on new electric mobility is established. The total envelope foreseen for programme 3 is 70 million euros and four million euros are expected to be allocated to this call for proposals.

The period to apply for these grants will be open from 14 November to June 2023, and non-profit organisations, companies, associations, town councils, island councils, the public sector, universities and research centres will be eligible.

This call has three programmes of eligible incentives:

Incentive programme 1: implementation of car-sharing systems operating in a single municipality in the Balearic Islands.

Incentive programme 2: implementation of car-sharing systems that interoperate in more than one municipality in the Balearic Islands.

Incentive programme 3: drafting of specifications. Contracting of technical assistance for the drafting of specifications so that public administrations can tender for concessions or permits for the car-sharing activity within their municipality.

The intensity of the aid will depend on the action and beneficiary. In this sense, up to 5,000 euros for vans, 4,000 for cars, 950 for motorbikes, 500 for bicycles and 200 for scooters.

It should be noted that the aid will be increased if they operate in more than one municipality up to 500 euros more for cars, vans and motorbikes. Likewise, this aid will also subsidise up to 65 % for recharging points and management systems, and the percentage is reduced depending on the size of the company and the location of the point in a private area. It also covers up to 100 % for the drafting of administrative specifications.