The Balearic Islands approve the decree regulating the commission for the guarantee and evaluation of euthanasia and the register of objecting professionals.

Nov 23, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The text modifies and completes the regulations in force until now, which were approved provisionally.

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\ Registration and deregistration in the Register of objectors are voluntary and can be requested at any time.

The Consell de Govern has today approved the Decree regulating the Commission for the Guarantee and Evaluation of the Right to the Provision of Aid in Dying and the Register of health professionals who are conscientious objectors to euthanasia in the Balearic Islands.

The Decree modifies and completes the organisational regulations in force until now and replaces the Decree of 3 May 2021, issued as a matter of urgency and provisionally to guarantee the implementation of the service within the deadlines set by Organic Law 3/2021, of 24 March, on the regulation of euthanasia, which had been approved just two months earlier. This text did not yet regulate the register of objectors, despite the fact that objection has always been possible.

Thus, the Decree approved today, in chapter III, specifically sets out the creation of the Register and its purpose, the registration procedure and the data that must be included, as well as the people who can access it. The text specifies that the Register is not public and is subject to strict confidentiality principles. Registration and deregistration are voluntary and can be requested at any time.

The Register must include the declarations made by objecting persons in the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands, both in the public and private sectors, directly involved in the provision of aid in dying, which state their refusal to participate in the provision of aid in dying. Health professionals directly involved are understood to be medical staff, nursing staff, qualified psychologists and pharmacists.

With regard to the regulation of the Commission for the Guarantee and Evaluation of the Right to the Provision of Aid in Dying, there is the possibility of increasing the number of members and broadening the professional profiles.