Mallorca’s train, metro and intercity buses will be free for users of the intermodal card throughout the year 2023.

Dec 6, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The free train and metro service will also be extended to the regular TIB bus network thanks to an allocation in the State budget for 2023.

\ The islands will receive 43 million euros if they can prove that they have applied a 100% discount on multi-journey tickets between 1 January and 31 December 2023.

The Consell de Govern has agreed to apply a 100% discount on the price currently in force for users of the Intermodal Card on the regular TIB bus network, train and metro of Mallorca. Thus, all prices become €0.00 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2023.

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This brings into effect the announced extension of the free intercity public transport in Mallorca during the year 2023 and the extension to the bus network, as well as the train and metro, after the inclusion in the State budget for next year of an item of 43 million euros to subsidise 100% of the price of transport passes and multi-journey tickets for collective public transport in the Balearic Islands.

The measure is part of the current situation arising from the conflict in Ukraine, which makes it necessary to encourage the role of public transport to address the current scenario of high energy and fuel prices, which particularly affects the daily mobility of citizens, and encourage the change to a safer, more reliable, comfortable, economical and sustainable means of transport than the private vehicle.

As a result of this situation, the Consell de Govern has already adopted an agreement to apply a 50% discount on the Intermodal Card on the regular TIB bus network in Mallorca – a discount that can reach up to 72% depending on the number of journeys – and a 100% discount on the price of the Intermodal Card on the train and metro network in Mallorca, between 1 September and 31 December 2022.

Bearing in mind that the persistence of the conflict in Ukraine continues to strain the general price level, mainly through natural gas, fuel and food, it is considered necessary to extend the free travel on the train and metro for the whole of 2023, in addition to extending the free travel to the intercity bus in Mallorca.

This total gratuity is a consequence of the agreement reached in the Bill on the general State budget for the year 2023 to incorporate a 100% discount on the price of transport passes and multi-journey tickets for collective public land transport in the Balearic Islands.

Thus, in recognition of the insular fact, the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands will be the beneficiary of aid amounting to 43 million euros, provided that it is accredited that from 1 January 2023 the 100% discount on the price of transport season tickets and multi-journey tickets has been introduced and there is a commitment to maintain this measure until 31 December 2023.