The Balearic Water Agency is taking the first steps to bring drinking water to Son Servera, Sant Llorenç and Cala Millor.

Dec 14, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The tender for the drafting of the project will cost a maximum of 363,000 euros, including VAT.

This Thursday, the Board of Directors of the Balearic Water Agency approved the start of the contracting process for the drafting and processing of the project for the construction works for the upstream connection from Manacor to Cala Millor, with a maximum tender budget of 363,000 euros, including VAT.

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The project is part of an overall plan to improve the drinking water supply in the eastern part of Mallorca, which is divided into different phases. These include the extension of the high-level network from Manacor to the town of Cala Millor, passing through Sant Llorenç des Cardassar and Son Servera.

This infrastructure will allow the town councils to have water from the high water network all year round and reduce the use of water from the aquifers in winter in order to take advantage of this resource for the summer when there is a considerable increase in demand. This will facilitate the recovery of overexploited aquifers with more efficient management of the resource.

The project involves the construction of a 22.6 km long, 600 mm diameter, cast iron pipeline. Given the elevation of the land between these points, no pumping of the water will be necessary. The water will circulate by gravity from the Manacor reservoir to a regulating reservoir for the network which will have to be built in Cala Millor. The capacity of this tank will be 6,000 m3. The pipeline will preferably run along public roads to avoid expropriating private property and affecting other administrations.

The works on the Maria de la Salut-Petra section are currently in the final phase of execution, and the executive project for the works on the Petra-Manacor section is being drafted. The first steps have also been taken to put out to tender the drafting of the project for the section that will link Manacor with the southeast coast of the island.