The Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands (BOIB) has published this Tuesday the order of the Vice President and Councillor for Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory, which establishes the regulatory bases and approves the call for aid for the trade modernisation programme Technological Fund 2022, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan funded by the European Union (NextGenerationUE). These grants can be applied for from tomorrow, Wednesday 21 December, until 1 February.
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It is a line of the aid of 1,440,484 euros aimed at supporting and promoting competitiveness and modernisation, through digital and sustainable transformation, of small and medium-sized enterprises in the commerce sector and of associations, associative entities or federations and confederations whose statutory purposes and action programmes include the defence of the interests of small commercial establishments.

Eligible projects within the framework of this Technology Fund include:
a) Projects of new technologies aimed at improving different areas of online commercial strategy and communication, the business model and of the shopping experience.
b) Projects of new technologies for the adaptation of the physical sales space both to the new needs and habits of consumers and to new management models.
c) Projects for technological solutions to improve the efficiency and sustainability of last-mile delivery.
d) Projects for the application of technological solutions to improve the efficiency of energy and resource consumption.
The minimum investment corresponding to eligible expenses (excluding all taxes) will be 2,000 euros, both for SMEs and for non-profit associations that carry out actions in the commercial sector; while the maximum eligible investment for both types of beneficiaries will be 80,000 euros (excluding VAT).
The subsidies included in this call are included in the Strategic Subsidy Plan of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands for the years 2021-2023, approved by the Agreement of the Governing Council of 20 December 2021, which provides for the call for aid for the promotion of the commercial fabric, competitive improvement plans, marketing and design plans, and actions to improve competitiveness and/or promotion of the commercial fabric.
With this aid, the Government aims to encourage the development of plans and projects with technological, innovative and sustainable content that affect the management of commercial activity and its business model; and to guarantee the adaptation of these plans and projects to new consumer habits, sales methods, positioning and distribution.
Applications will be resolved in strict order of entry.