Approval of the new decree on concerts that will be applied in the 2023-2024 academic year.

Dec 28, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The basic provision for attention to diversity has been increased by more than 25%, with the same criteria as in public schools.

\ It will be compulsory for schools not to segregate students by gender in order to be able to establish concerts.

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The Consell de Govern has today approved the new Decree on concerts, which will begin to be applied in the 2023-2024 academic year, once the period of validity of the current decree has expired. Before being approved, the decree was discussed at the Mesa de la Enseñanza Concertada, the Consejo Escolar de las Islas Baleares and the Consell Consultiu, and an effort was made to incorporate as many allegations as possible.

The Decree incorporates significant changes with respect to the one that has been applied until now in the agreements with private schools in the Balearic Islands.

One of the most important aspects is that subsidised schools will have the same criteria for the provision of teachers to cater for diversity as public schools. This means a 27% increase in basic provision compared to the current investment.

They are also assimilated to public schools in terms of educational guidance for nursery and primary education and a minimum ratio of 18 pupils is established for subsidised nursery education units. An additional provision is also included which includes subsidies for subsidised centres to carry out educational activities outside school hours for pupils with unfavourable socio-economic and cultural conditions.

An important aspect incorporated into the new decree is the incorporation of the new regulations derived from the Equality Act and the twenty-fifth additional provision of the LOE in the wording given by the LOMLOE, which establishes that the renewal of an educational agreement or the signing of a new one implies, on the part of the applicant centres, developing the principle of coeducation at all educational stages and not separating pupils by gender. Therefore, schools which segregate pupils will not be able to renew the agreement or have access to it.

On the other hand, the Decree establishes that the renewal of an educational agreement or the signing of a new one implies that the applicant centres must make effective the right to a free education that guarantees equity and equal opportunities, so that the centres cannot receive from families economic contributions associated with curricular activity or establish the obligation to make income for foundations or associations or other services that may contravene the principle of free education and that are not authorised, if applicable, by the Regional Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Likewise, the centres will have to cover in an equitable manner the schooling needs of the area where they are located.

In the case of vocational training, the Decree incorporates the arrangement of specialisation courses and certificates of professionalism and establishes six hours of coordination for dual vocational training tutors.

With regard to the economic modules, the draft includes the guarantee of an annual review of the operating cost modules, at least in line with the increase in the general state budget.

With regard to the signing of new special agreements, the document establishes that the existing offer of public and subsidised private centres must be taken into account, as well as the general educational programming, the existing budget allocations and the principle of economy and efficiency in the use of public resources established in article 109 of the LOE, according to the wording established by Organic Law 3/2020, of 29 December.