IdISBa receives 2.9 million euros in funding from the Carlos III Health Institute in competitive competition

Dec 29, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Balearic Islands Health Research Institute (IdISBa) has received 2,937,889.62 euros, in competitive concurrence, in the call of the Strategic Action in Health (AES) 2022 developed by the Carlos III Health Institute. These funds will be used to finance 8 research projects, 8 research staff contracts, a grant for the acquisition of scientific equipment and an international collaboration project.

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The AES call is divided into three major programmes aimed at: on the one hand, addressing the priorities of our environment, promoting scientific-technical research and its transfer, and on the other hand, developing, attracting and retaining talent. These, in turn, are divided into different sub-programmes.

Knowledge Generation and Scientific-Technical Infrastructures and Equipment

The IdISBa has received 1,967,490 euros from the State Programme to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer.

On the one hand, 567,490 euros were allocated to the state sub-programme for the Generation of Knowledge, financing a total of 8 projects focused on different areas of interest to the Institute, from the therapeutic efficacy of extracellular vesicles for tendinopathies to projects related to Triple-Negative Breast Cancer or intervention to reduce the prescription of antibiotics. On the other hand, through the state sub-programme for Infrastructures and Scientific-Technical Equipment, with funding of 1,400,000 euros, the IdISBa will be able to create the Platform for Multi-omic Analysis in molecular imaging based on ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry.

Recruitment of research staff

Likewise, through the state programme to Develop, Attract and Retain Talent, within the Incorporation sub-programme, IdISBa will be able to hire five researchers. Specifically, a Miguel Servet postdoctoral researcher type I contract, worth 308,600 euros, two Miguel Servet type II researcher contracts, worth 202,500 euros, a health research management contract in the IIS (GIS), worth 80,700 euros, and a bioinformatics technical staff contract to support research in the IIS, worth 53,800 euros. Finally, through the state training sub-programme, the Institute will be able to hire two pre-doctoral students to carry out its research project (179,800 euros). In addition, it has been awarded a Sara Borrell contract to improve the training of newly qualified doctoral staff in the field of health sciences and technologies (95,000 euros).


Through the State Programme to Address the Priorities of Our Environment, IdISBa received 49,999.62 euros for an international collaboration project.