Health Service hospitals reach a record number of emergencies attended, which between January and November 2022 increased by 21.19%.

Dec 30, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The public hospitals of the Health Service have attended a total of 491,946 emergencies in the first eleven months of the year, a record in the Balearic Islands. This represents an increase of 21.19 % compared to the same period last year, when 405,924 emergencies were recorded, and exceeds the figure for 2019 when 456,834 were recorded. In addition, this year the occupancy rate in hospitals reached 74.8% and the average length of stay was 6.9 days.

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By hospital centres, the Hospital Universitario Son Espases attended the most emergencies, 149,465, followed by the Hospital Universitario Son Llàtzer with 97,069, the Hospital de Manacor with 74,566, the Hospital Comarcal de Inca with 68,783, the Hospital Can Misses with 57,190, the Hospital Mateu Orfila with 27,062 and the Hospital de Formentera with 17,810.

In terms of scheduled surgery, between January and November 2022, the hospitals of the Balearic Islands recorded 57,879 operations. As for outpatient consultations, 1,321,762 have been registered, but in 8.6% of them the patient did not show up.