The II Diada Des Pastor de Lloseta, exceeds all expectations

Jan 8, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Tradition claimed its place in modern times. This is what we saw yesterday, Saturday 7th January in Lloseta.

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The II Diada Des Pastor in Lloseta

The II Diada Des Pastor de Lloseta which was held as the last edition in the Avenida del Cocó, exceeded all expectations both in public attendance and demonstration of the recovery of the Balearic Tradition in the agricultural sector.

From early in the morning, we were able to enjoy the adventures and subtle aims of the youngest Balearic slingers. The Club de Foners de Lloseta introduced us to this millenary art whose tradition, according to chroniclers, places the legendary Hannibal and his 2,000 Balearic slingers at the beginning of the campaign on the Italic peninsula. Modernity places today’s slingers in a non-bellicose environment and is dedicated to the exercise of skill and ability.

Another of the protagonists of the day was the shepherd’s cans and the ca de bestiar mallorquí. The associations of Cans Pastors de les Illes Balears showed how well these two breeds of dogs connect with their shepherd and how skilful and ingenious they are in their task of guiding the sheep to their fold, preventing any of them from getting lost, getting lost and failing to reach the destination marked by the shepherd. Tradition places dogs as man’s best friend, and modernity is committed to maintaining this ancestral bond.

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For the second year running, the Mallorcan red sheep was responsible for showing us its magnificent characteristics, which have made it a 100% native breed since 2019.

As a curiosity, it is also known by the name of Tripolitana due to its North African origin, or Coete, which refers to the thickness of the tail, it stands out for its red skin under a yellowish ivory fleece.

The day ended at 1330h with the awards ceremony of the II Concurs de Cans Pastors de Lloseta and the II Concurs morfològic de l’Ovella Mallorquina de Lloseta.

At the venue we were also able to see first hand:

Exhibition and sale of Guinavets
Exhibition and sale of dog and sheep collars.
Exhibition of shepherding tools
Exhibition of the use of wool
Sale of cheeses and sausages
Tasting of dishes made with lamb

The Town Council of Lloseta and the different participating associations have made a great effort to bring tradition and modernity together in this 2nd edition, which will surely have a 3rd edition at the beginning of 2024.