The Teachers’ Committee provided for in the Balearic Islands Education Act is now a reality

Jan 14, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

It was constituted today in application of the provisions of the Balearic Islands Education Act.

The committee dealt with the proposed operating regulations, among other issues.

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The Teachers’ Committee

The Councillor for Education and Vocational Training, Martí March, presided over the constitution of the Teachers’ Committee. This new participation committee was created as a result of the development of the Balearic Islands Education Act 1/2022 of 8 March, which consolidates, expands and institutionalises the forms of participation of the educational community to ensure that decisions in this area are adopted with the maximum possible consensus.

For the councillor, “this roundtable is a further demonstration of the spirit of dialogue that has characterised the workings of this Regional Ministry since 2015”. March stressed the importance of having the maximum possible participation of the educational community, which is made possible by the LEIB, “we should remember that in addition to the Teachers’ Committee, the Pupils’ Committee will also be set up soon. With these roundtables, in addition to those we already have for families and principals, as well as the Education Sector Roundtable, we will have a wide range of views and opinions from all educational spheres”.

Thus, on 28 November 2022, the Decree regulating the roundtables for participation by sectors of the educational community of the Balearic Islands in the field of non-university education was approved. Among the newly created committees provided for in the Decree is the Teachers’ Committee, which is defined as a body for teacher participation and advice on matters affecting the pedagogical functions of the teaching task, the implementation and reform, where appropriate, of educational curricula, curricular methodologies and didactics, plans for pedagogical innovation, educational research and the pedagogical training needs of the teaching staff.

The specific functions of the Board include:

  • To be informed of the processing of educational curricula and, if appropriate, to formulate proposals.
  • To issue optional, non-binding reports on educational innovation, teacher training, educational research and projects to improve educational intervention.
  • To formulate proposals to improve the quality of the education system in the Balearic Islands.
  • To monitor the measures adopted by the educational administration in relation to the teaching profession.
  • Any others which, within the framework of its sphere of action, are proposed by the Education Administration.

In addition to the representatives of the educational administration, the Board will be made up of one representative from the College of Doctors and Graduates, one from the Professional College of Teachers, one from the Official College of Pedagogy and Psychopedagogy, one from the College of Social Educators, one from the Menorca Edu 21 Movement and one from the Professional Association of Teachers of Ibiza. Up to three teachers of recognised prestige for their professional careers may also be incorporated, by consensus of its members.

The act of constitution was attended by the councillor of Education and Vocational Training, Martí March, the director general of Early Childhood, Innovation and the Educational Community, Amanda Fernández, the director general of Vocational Training and Higher Artistic Education, Antoni Baos, and the secretary general, Tomeu Barceló.