“La llengua camina”, excursions for practising Catalan

Jan 17, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This activity is part of the “Mou la llengua” campaign.

“La llengua camina”

The Directorate General for Language Policy has launched “La llengua camina”, an initiative within the framework of the “Mou la llengua” campaign to promote the use of the Catalan language through excursions. The activities, which will take place on the four islands, have the collaboration of the Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs on Eivissa and the Obra Cultural Balear on Formentera.

The aim is to create spaces for socialising in which Catalan speakers and people who want to practice the Catalan language can participate. The activity is designed to generate contexts and situations in which learners are in contact with Catalan and can practice it in a friendly environment, without the interlocutors changing languages unnecessarily.

To this end, a series of excursions have been organised, which will also serve to introduce learners to elements of the natural and cultural heritage of the Balearic Islands. In addition, the excursions will include a small gastronomic tasting of typical products made in local establishments, and participants will be given a “Mou la llengua” collar.

The excursions, which are free of charge, will in most cases have a bus service to go to the starting point of the route or to return from the end point. Places are limited and will be allocated in order of registration and by speaker profile (Catalan speakers and Catalan language learners).

For more information and to register, interested parties can go to the website moulallengua.cat.