More than 400 applications in the first few hours of the new call for applications for aid to promote photovoltaic and micro-wind energy installations

Jan 18, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Vice-Presidency and Regional Ministry of Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory opened on Monday the deadline to apply for aid to promote photovoltaic and micro-wind solar energy installations aimed at individuals and communities of owners and, in the first few hours, has received a total of 405 applications. The Directorate General for Energy and Climate Change has made 3.5 million euros available, of which 1.3 million have already been applied for, equivalent to a capacity of 2MW.

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New call for applications for aid to promote photovoltaic and micro-wind energy installations

The deadline for submitting applications is 28 July 2023 or until the possible exhaustion of the financial amount. Applications must be submitted telematically via the website and will be resolved as they enter the registry of the competent body.

In the words of Vice-President Yllanes, “once again, citizens are once again setting an example and playing an active part in the energy transition process that our islands are undergoing. We are seeing how the decarbonisation of the Islands and the use of renewable energies, mainly photovoltaic, is unstoppable. In just a few hours, we have exceeded a third of the amount available. The Government will continue to make all the necessary resources available to the people to continue to deepen this transition”.

The Director General of Energy and Climate Change, Pep Malagrava, indicated that “the promotion of self-consumption is key to a fair energy transition and to have a distributed renewable energy production. And society is firmly committed to this model. For this reason, all the administrations must facilitate and encourage its implementation, and thus stop depending on fossil fuels”.

Details of the call for applications

This aid is part of the ERDF Operational Programme 2021-2027 and aims to promote photovoltaic solar energy installations of up to 5 kW peak power for the year 2023. Likewise, micro-wind installations of up to 5 kW for individuals and up to 100 kW for communities of owners are also eligible. This call also aims to subsidise new lithium-ion storage systems that are incorporated into new photovoltaic or micro-wind installations, as long as these installations are off-grid.

The aim of the call is to promote the incorporation of this renewable energy source and, therefore, to reduce the consumption of electricity from the grid or from generators, as well as CO2 emissions.

This aid may be co-financed by 60 % within the ERDF Operational Programme 2021-2027 of the Balearic Islands.


Beneficiaries may be natural persons domiciled in the Balearic Islands who do not carry out any economic activity by which they offer goods and/or services on the market in the place where the self-consumption installation serves.

Also, those who carry out any economic activity through which they offer goods and/or services on the market in the place where the self-consumption installation provides service. In the latter case, it should be noted that investments in new installations (including new extensions to existing installations) of photovoltaic solar energy for self-consumption connected to the grid or isolated, with peak power to be installed of up to 5 kWp, are subsidised.

In the case of installations of more than 5 kWp, only the first 5 kWp are subsidised. Investments in new grid-connected or off-grid micro wind turbines with peak power to be installed of up to 5 kWp are also eligible. If more than 5 kW is to be installed, only the first 5 kW is eligible.

The windmills must be integrated into the landscape. Finally, for natural persons, investments in new lithium-ion storage systems in stand-alone installations, complementary to those established in sections a) and b), with a storage capacity of up to 30 kW h, which have a minimum operating guarantee certified by the manufacturer of five years, will be eligible. In the case of installing a higher capacity in the 30 kW h, only the first 30 kW h will be subsidised.

In addition, homeowners’ associations that invest in new installations (including new extensions to existing installations) of photovoltaic solar energy for self-consumption connected to the grid, with peak power to be installed of up to 100 kWp, may also be beneficiaries.

In the case of installations of more than 100 kWp, only the first 100 kWp will be subsidised. Investments in new micro wind power plants with peak power to be installed of up to 10 kWp are also included. If more than 10 kWp is to be installed, only the first 10 kWp is eligible. The wind turbines have to be integrated into the landscape.

For beneficiaries who are members of a community of owners with an economic activity through which they offer goods and/or services on the market, and natural persons who carry out an economic activity in the place served by the self-consumption installation, the amount of aid they may receive may not exceed 200,000 euros during any period of three fiscal years.