Inca presents the new public space to be built in front of the Teatre Principal

Jan 21, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The project has a budget of 1.5 million euros and part of the funding comes from the Consell de Mallorca’s Tourist Accommodation Exchange Consortium.

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Inca presents the new public space

Inca will have a new square. The area in front of the Teatro Principal will serve to complement this infrastructure, but it will also improve the lack of public space in the neighbourhood. The mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, the president of the Council of Mallorca, Catalina Cladera, and several members of the council attended the presentation of the project.

“We have been planning for some time to sponge the area and provide it with a public space that the neighbourhoods have been demanding for years; we will also intervene in the adjacent streets to harmonise traffic and improve pedestrian safety,” explained Moreno. The proposal for the new square will be developed in the form of an amphitheatre through the construction of different coloured printed concrete esplanades that will allow the communication of C/ Teatro with C/ Martí Metge and C/ Can Vidal and serve as a multifunctional space. The space will be equipped with street furniture and lighting, a central fountain and a perimeter garden area.

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The cost of the new infrastructure amounts to just over 1.5 million euros. Of the total, 750,000 euros correspond to the co-financing of projects by the Consell de Mallorca, through the Consorcio Bolsa de Alojamientos Turísticos (CBAT). “This commitment by Inca to a new area is an example of the municipality’s efforts to improve the sustainability of the neighbourhood and the Teatro Principal as a focus of tourist attraction, and this is one of the objectives that we set ourselves at the Consell de Mallorca with our regular collaboration with the municipalities,” said Cladera.

In parallel to the creation of the new public space, the adjacent roads from Plaça Espanya to the theatre will be renovated. The aim is to replace the pavements of the asphalted area and the pavements of the streets Can Vidal, des Teatre, del Misterio and Martí Metge from Carrer Hostals to Carrer de ses Coves, in order to improve communication between the area and the city centre.

The intervention in the nearby streets will be to transform them into the single-platform model of paved sunshine. This will make it possible to prioritise pedestrian streets with restricted traffic using the ACIRE system, which will give access only to the vehicles of the residents of this street, services and emergencies. The works will also be used to replace and improve the municipal public networks of drinking water, sewage and street lighting.

The Consell de Mallorca allocates a total of 21 million euros from the CBAT to local councils to implement up to 40 municipal projects aimed at improving tourist infrastructures, promoting the deseasonalisation of the tourist offer within the framework of the circular economy.