The Balearic Islands will offer 248 Specialised Health Training places this year, 15 more than in 2022

Jan 21, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry of Health organises the entrance exams throughout the country on Saturday.

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248 Specialised Health Training places

The Balearic Islands will offer 248 places in Specialised Health Training this year, 15 more than in 2022. In this way, the Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs maintains its commitment to promote the training of new healthcare professionals in order to respond to the needs of the population.

The Ministry of Health has announced the training places on offer throughout Spain for the entrance exams to Specialised Health Training, which take place this Saturday and cover the areas of Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, Pharmacy, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

The increase in the number of teaching units – there are currently 12 – and training places is part of the strategy of the Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs to guarantee a sufficient number of professionals. Thus, since 2015, the number of training places has almost doubled, from 131 to 248. Work has also been done to provide the necessary tutors to be able to adequately provide training. There are now around 250, who train more than 700 residents.

Another important milestone was the creation of the Faculty of Medicine, thanks to which by 2022 the first 60 doctors had graduated and every year there are 360 future doctors in training. As for nurses, the number of places to study the nursing degree at the public university has increased by 35, to 200 per year.

The Ministry and the Autonomous Communities are working in a coordinated and joint manner to promote the training of more professionals so that they can join the health system in the coming years.