30,000 euros for the permanence of CineCiutat, in the Balearic Islands

Jan 22, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Directorate General of Culture supports the activities and projects of the Xarxa Cinema Association.

The Minister of European Funds, University and Culture, Miquel Company, announced today that the Government of the Balearic Islands, through the Directorate General of Culture, is supporting CineCiutat with 30,000 euros for the activities and projects of the Xarxa Cinema Association.

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Company explained, after visiting the venue’s facilities in Palma, that the Government’s support for CineCiutat “recognises its value as a cinema and a centre for meetings and social revitalisation, and that it creates a social fabric and adds value to the lives of the citizens”. In this sense, the councillor stressed that CineCiutat “is more than a cinema, it is a living space for permanent dialogue and artistic and cultural interrelation as an exhibitor, cultural centre and meeting point”. Moreover, CineCiutat’s activity “is key to the development of local cinema, as it screens independent, auteur and original version films”. As a venue for film festivals and screenings, its “diverse and plural” programme offers educational workshops for schools and families and provides support for local creators.

During the visit, the councillor was accompanied by the director general of Culture, Catalina Solivellas; the president of Xarxa Cinema, Paul Zabel; the treasurer of Xarxa Cinema, Jesús Cortés, and the executive director of CineCiutat, Javier Pachón. “From Xarxa Cinema we are very grateful to the Government, through its Directorate General of Culture of the Department of European Funds, University and Culture, for the effort and commitment that this support for the CineCiutat project represents. For ten years we have been trying to keep alive a community space through film, culture and social and environmental action. Ten years in which, despite the difficulties, the support and follow-up of the Balearic citizens has been constant and has not only kept us alive, but has also allowed us to explore a cultural offer at the forefront of Europe. The path taken with the Government, which is consolidated with this support, demonstrates a vision of cultural industries that places the Balearic Islands on a par with our counterparts in Paris, Berlin and Rome, and will allow CineCiutat to boost and improve our service to the community, especially in the development of young audiences, support for local creators and the promotion of under-represented cinematographies,” explained Pachón.

The Xarxa Cinema Association was born from the citizens and bases its functioning on participation, with management and content in the hands of a board of directors and working groups. The CineCiutat information space is the result of this association, which has led the initiative to create the national network of independent cinemas PROMIO and is a member of the board of directors of CICAE (International Confederation of Art Cinemas) and the Europa Cinemas Innovation Group, under the European Union’s MEDIA programme.

The commitment of the Government of the Balearic Islands to CineCiutat is nothing new. During 2022, the Directorate General of Culture and the Xarxa Cinema developed the project “Joves, Cinema i Futur (JCF)”, a training and practical application programme on cultural management in the audiovisual sector aimed at young people between 17 and 23 years of age in the Balearic Islands, which materialised in a programme of screenings and cultural actions.