Artificial intelligence and ‘super apps’, are some of the technological trends of 2023.

Feb 1, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Post, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The year that has just begun will see advances in AI, increasingly adapted to changes in the real world, as well as the possibilities of the metaverse and super apps that bring together a wealth of services. We will also see new innovations in medical technologies and the internet of things.

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Artificial intelligence and ‘super apps’

The technology centre of Catalonia, Eurecat, consultancy firms such as Gartner and Atsistemas and software manufacturers such as AuraQuantic have placed their bets on the sectors that will drive technological transformation this year.

In addition to the word of the year for the RAE, artificial intelligence (AI) has been one of the scientific and technological advances in 2022 and will continue to be so, to be increasingly present in routine processes in industry and other sectors.

Adaptive AI makes it possible to change the behaviour of the model once it is implemented, through the use of real-time feedback. This allows the system to monitor and learn from changes to continuously retrain models and learn from new data and adjusted targets.

In addition, new no-code AI platforms will be generated that will allow non-experts to integrate artificial intelligence technology into solutions, thus facilitating their use on a large scale.

New opportunities in the metaverse
Metaverse will be a recurring term in 2023. Although it is not a new idea, advances in recent years in technologies such as AI, blockchain and virtual reality have led to its take-off in all sectors.

The exploitation of the metaverse has the potential to change the way we work, shop and interact, creating a new space in which the barriers between the physical and virtual worlds are blurred, generating new opportunities and business models.

The exploitation of the metaverse has the potential to change the way we work, shop or interact, creating a space where the barriers between the physical and virtual worlds are blurred.

All-in-one applications
As for ‘super apps
‘, applications that bring together a large number of related services, as can happen in financial services, they are also gaining relevance. They are like all-in-one platforms, where the user has all the services he or she needs in one place.

But they are not just composite applications that aggregate services but combine the functions of an application, a platform and an ecosystem in a single application, thus providing a platform for third parties to develop and publish their own mini-applications.

These apps are expected to gradually incorporate elements such as chatbots, the internet of things, more personalised services and even metaverse experiences.

Advantages for medicine
Medical device technology (MedTech), meanwhile, has become a fundamental component of healthcare services. The merger of the internet of things and MedTech (IoMT, Internet of medical things) represents a great opportunity to solve the current challenges facing the medical sector.

In addition, wearable technology has tripled in use over the last four years, and the number of connected home sensors and medical devices is growing all the time, according to Atistemas.

Sustainable technology, a structure of solutions that increases the energy and efficiency of ICT services with traceability systems, analytics, emissions management software and artificial intelligence, which helps users to achieve their own sustainability goals, will also be boosted.