The Govern communicates the proposed resolution of the sanctioning procedure to the participants of a party in a house in Son Vida during the confinement of the Covid-19.

Feb 1, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Post, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ At the time of the events, the maximum health alert level, level 4, was decreed.

\ The interested parties now have fifteen days to present new allegations.

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The Govern communicates the proposed resolution

The Govern de las Illes Balears, through the Conselleria de Presidencia, Función Pública e Igualdad, has communicated the proposed resolution of the sanctioning procedure to the participants of a party in a tourist rental property in Son Vida, in Palma, during the confinement by the COVID-19 on 21 August 2021.

The investigator of the proceedings has assessed the allegations presented by the defences of the participants of the party and, for strictly legal reasons, it has been determined that the sanction is set at 25,000 euros.

At the time of the events, the maximum health alert level, level 4, was decreed, which is why Decree Law 11/2020 of 10 July is applicable, which establishes a specific sanctioning regime to deal with breaches of the provisions issued to mitigate the effects of the crisis caused by COVID-19.

The interested parties now have fifteen days to present allegations to the proposed resolution or to pay the 25,000 euro penalty, with a 40 % reduction, 20 % for acknowledgement of liability and 20 % for early payment before the resolution.