Inca is once again committed to entrepreneurial culture among young people with the “Shared Successes” conference at the Teatro Principal.

Feb 2, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Inca Town Council continues to support the educational project Jóvenes Emprendedores (Young Entrepreneurs), with the aim of promoting entrepreneurial culture and financial education among the youngest citizens.

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Teatro Principal

So, now has come to the day “Shared Successes”, the first free and pioneering event at the national level of the School of Young Entrepreneurs (LA EJE). It was held at the Teatro Principal in Inca and was attended by 479 students in the 4th year of ESO, all from Inca’s schools and from the Diagrama Foundation.

With this initiative we want to promote the entrepreneurial spirit that has always characterised the “inquers” and encourage interest in this area of knowledge,” explains the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

The day, which included talks and presentations by entrepreneurs, is specially designed to inspire and motivate young people to adopt an entrepreneurial attitude towards life. The speakers told their personal stories, their values, experience and trajectory in order to serve as a source of inspiration and to give them a realistic vision of the world of entrepreneurship.

In addition, interactive creativity dynamics have been carried out with the audience to promote the participation and integral learning of all attendees. The activity was led by the students of the Inca School for Young Entrepreneurs.

“These workshops help to raise awareness among young people about the importance of becoming an entrepreneur, with attitude, motivation and creativity. In this way, we try to support all young people in the community to become self-confident and discover their talents, all while working in a team, overcoming challenges and having fun,” says the councillor for Innovation and Enterprise, María José Fernández.

Amín Saez Fernández and Iván Aledo were two of the speakers, but not the only ones. They are entrepreneurs, founders of “Inefable Producciones”, international artists and dancers. They not only told their stories to the audience but also gave a demonstration of dance and art.

The event was attended by the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno and the councillor for economic promotion, Marixé Fernández, accompanied by the director of the School of Young Entrepreneurs of Inca, Nieves Villena.

It should be remembered that these workshops organised by LA EJE are aimed at fostering skills, aptitudes and values of the participants; knowledge and tools applicable to entrepreneurship; and the basics of financial education.

In this way, the School for Young Entrepreneurs is proposed as a practical and effective solution to the current limitations of learning about entrepreneurial and financial culture: scarce training on offer, knowledge and values that barely fit into the school curriculum, lack of time and excessive parental worries, etc.

It also provides a comprehensive educational space for young people to develop their talents and individual qualities. During the programme, they develop their creativity and gain confidence while learning and putting into practice the skills, attitudes and knowledge necessary to create value and increase the well-being of their community and themselves.