The Balearic Islands, a Spanish example in the conservation of wetland biodiversity

Feb 3, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The director general of Natural Spaces and Biodiversity explains the main actions in terms of protection

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The Balearic Islands

The director general of Natural Spaces and Biodiversity, Llorenç Mas, took part this Thursday in the event to commemorate World Wetlands Day, held at the headquarters of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge in Madrid. The Balearic Islands was one of the three autonomous communities chosen by the Ministry to explain the measures they are adopting to meet the objectives of the Strategic Plan for Wetlands 2030. The other two were the Comunitat Valenciana and Castilla La Mancha.

Mas explained that the Balearic Islands have completed the work to include the archipelago’s wetlands in the Spanish Inventory of Wetlands, a document that includes information on the number, extent and state of conservation of these sites, which was published last week in the Official State Gazette (BOE).

The director general stressed that “the measures adopted by the Regional Ministry of the Environment and Territory are essential to preserving the biological wealth of the wetlands of the archipelago, which are key places for the development of many of the most emblematic species and habitats of the Balearic Islands”.

He also stressed the importance of the enlargement of the S’Albufera de Mallorca Natural Park and the approval of the Natural Resources Management Plan, since, on the one hand, ecological corridors and a peripheral protection zone have been established that includes the Maristany wetlands, while on the other, the construction of the golf course at Son Bosc has been prevented.

Along these lines, the director general also spoke of the collaboration with WWF, the Alcúdia Town Council and the landowners in the restoration of the wetland area of l’Estany des Pont, which is within the ecological corridor of the Natural Park.

In order to optimise the inflow of water into s’Albufera, the flow from the new treatment plant treated with tertiary treatment is also included as an ecological flow.

The director general also highlighted the approval of the S’Albufera des Grau Natural Park’s Master Plan for Use and Management (PRUG), which consolidates the protection of this wetland area of Menorca and the hydrological protection area, as a fulfilment of the Plan’s objectives.

Finally, he highlighted the drafting of the First Balearic Strategy for Wetlands, an instrument that contributes to preserving them and guaranteeing the maintenance of the habitats and species that sustain them.