The Consell de Mallorca receives the DCM Awards for the installation of a new Data Processing Centre at La Misericordia

Feb 4, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Island director Andrés Caparrós highlights the work of the institution in improving technological infrastructures with the aim of favouring public service to citizens

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The DCM Awards

The Consell de Mallorca is making progress in the modernisation of its technological infrastructures with the construction of a second Data Processing Centre (DPC) that will act as a support for the main one. This project has won one of the Data Centre Market (DCM) Innovation Awards.

The island’s Director of Modernisation and Transparency, Andrés Caparrós, highlighted the work being done by the institution to improve technological infrastructures with the aim of favouring public service to citizens.

This new Data Processing Centre (DPC), located in the Misericordia building, has an alarm management and remote control system 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which allows real-time information to be maintained on the situation of the infrastructures, acting quickly in the event of incidents which may compromise the continuity of the service.

The IT and Telecommunications Service’s offices are located in a different location, specifically in Calle General Riera, where the main DPC is located. With the incorporation of the second DPC, the number of trips is reduced as the new room has a complete monitoring system for critical elements and a surveillance system that facilitates the visualisation of all the ICT elements located in the room by means of cameras.

The work to adapt the space for the new DPC has respected the characteristics of the Misericordia building, avoiding the visibility of the technical installations, typical in a project with electrical and mechanical systems.