The Government sets up an interdepartmental commission to apply a specific approach and actions aimed at young people in public policies.

Feb 5, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ Fina Santiago chairs this commission, which will have the function of “applying transversal policies for young people”.

\ One of the first tasks will be to draw up an emancipation plan.

An interdepartmental commission

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The Government’s new Interdepartmental Commission for youth policies was constituted today with a new role and a fundamental relevance given to it by the new Law on Youth Policies, approved last year, which is to guarantee that the policies aimed at young people that are carried out from the different areas of competence within the Government have a view and specific actions, resources and practices aimed at young people.

The councillor for Social Affairs and Sports, Fina Santiago, chaired this commission, which is made up of representatives from the different ministries and bodies of the Govern in the areas of culture, vocational training, university, families, social services, childhood and adolescence, education, public health, mental health, employment, primary sectors, housing, transport, rights and diversity, participation and volunteering, sports and language policy. In addition to the different ministries and institutions involved, the Youth Council of the Balearic Islands participates.

As Fina Santiago explains, this commission already existed with merely coordinating functions, and it is as a result of the approval and implementation of the new law focused on youth policies that this commission, now reconstituted, acquires a new role and relevance: “Now it is a function of applying cross-cutting policies for youth. Understanding that all public administrations have the obligation to implement practical policies from each of their sectors. For example, if health makes a suicide prevention programme, it has to apply specific objectives and resources for the young population; the same in housing, in social services and in any type of sectoral policy”.

This commission will be in charge of ensuring that this transversality is maintained and that there are no contradictions between them. The commission is attached to the Directorate General for Children, Youth and Families, which is managed by Marta Carrió, and to the Balearic Youth Institute (IBJOVE), which is directed by Tià Lliteres.

Youth emancipation plan

The creation of a technical committee to draw up the future Youth Emancipation Plan has already been agreed. The Youth Policies Act passed last year emphasises the development of cross-cutting policies for young people and makes it compulsory to introduce a specific approach and actions for young people in all public policies.

The law establishes that a transversal emancipation plan with three axes will be mandatory: access to housing, access to work and lifelong learning to improve the qualifications of young people. Today, within the Interdepartmental Commission, it has been agreed to create a technical commission to work in this sense.

The participants at today’s meeting were: Fina Santiago, President of the Commission; Marta Carrió, First Vice-President and Director General of Childhood, Youth and Families; Tià Lliteres, Second Vice-President and Director of IBJOVE; Marina Crespí, Director General of Participation, Transparency and Volunteering; Mariona Luis Tomàs, Director General of Youth, Transparency and Volunteering; Mariona Luis Tomàs, Director General of Youth, Youth and Families, Marta Carrió; Mariona Luis Tomàs, Director General of Youth, Youth and Families; Mariona Luis Tomàs, Managing Director of the Institute for Business Innovation of the Balearic Islands; Miquel Àngel Coll, Director General of Coordination, Relations with Parliament, Rights and Diversity; Virginia Abraham, Director General of Work and Health; Llorenç Pou; Director General of Economic Model and Employment; Teresa Vallespir, Director General of Social Services; Carles Gonyalons, Director General of Sports; Tomeu Barceló, Secretary General of Education; Catalina Solivellas, Director General of Culture; José Luis Pons, Director General of University Policy and Search; Beatriu Defior, Director General of Linguistic Policy; Aram Ortega, Director General of Food Sovereignty Policies; and Pau Roig, President of the Consell de la Joventut de les Illes Balears, and Jordi Prunés, Vice-president of Political Advocacy of the Consell de la Joventut.