The residents of La Platja de Palma can take advantage of the shared self-consumption in Es Pil-larí promoted by the Balearic Energy Institute until the 31st of March.

Feb 10, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Instituto Balear de la Energía (IBE) has extended access to the shared self-consumption of public energy that it is carrying out on the building at Calle Bernat Jofre, 29, in Palma, in the Es Pil-larí neighbourhood, to the residents of La Platja de Palma, specifically the Les Meravelles neighbourhood.

Balearic Energy Institute

The project will be able to supply clean energy to a total of 40 homes and six businesses in Es Pil-larí and now also in the part of La Platja de Palma within a 2-kilometre radius of where the installation is located. This expansion has been made possible thanks to the regulatory change that has allowed the radius of self-consumption projects to be extended from 500 metres to 2,000 metres.

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To explain the registration procedure to the residents of Les Meravelles, the Balearic Energy Institute has organised a talk on Thursday 16 February at 7 p.m. in the library of the IES La Ribera to explain how to reduce your electricity bill by taking advantage of this self-consumption.

The public registration procedure has also been extended (it will be open until 31 March 2023), and will allow the selection of individuals and companies that will be able to consume electricity from the photovoltaic installation for a period of one year, extendable up to four, at which time a new call for applications will be opened. In addition, work will be carried out with the Social Services Department of the City Council so that families from vulnerable groups can benefit from the social advantages of this project, which will have absolute priority.

These households and businesses will be able to reduce their electricity bills thanks to the energy produced by the solar panels located in the building. Thus, users who can benefit will pay per kilowatt at cost price, without the need to make any initial investment or change company. To be eligible, a small annual fee is established according to the power requested, at a rate of €100 per kW. Individuals may apply for 1 kW and companies for 3 kW. For each kW contracted, a net annual saving of €275 is calculated.

If the number of applicants exceeds the number of potential beneficiaries, a waiting list will be created to choose the future beneficiaries of the other shared self-consumption projects that IBE plans to implement in the area, which will reach up to 75 households and 12 more SMEs thanks to the 110 kW of 3 projects.

You can access the membership process at the following link:

The project

The shared self-consumption will be located on the roof of an IBAVI housing building located on Carrer Bernat Jofre in Es Pil-larí. It will have a capacity of 60 kW, which will be able to reach a total of 40 homes and 6 businesses, thus supplying green energy at cost price to residents of Palma, giving priority to vulnerable households.

This project is possible thanks to the agreement signed between the IBE and the IBAVI, which establishes that the resources from the energy billed will be reinvested in energy efficiency improvements and rehabilitation of buildings.