Education has presented to the trade unions a proposal of aspects to be negotiated for a possible Framework Agreement

Feb 11, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Post, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Regional Ministry of Education and Vocational Training today presented the trade unions with a proposal for aspects to be negotiated for a possible Framework Agreement on social and employment measures and education policies. The unions will prepare their proposals so that they can be discussed next Tuesday, 14 February, at the Sectoral Education Committee.

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Proposed Framework Agreement 2023-27

The 2022-27 Framework Agreement aims to be a commitment to continue making progress in the recovery and improvement of the socio-labour conditions of public education teachers, to continue implementing stability measures for non-university teaching staff and to improve the quality of education.

The main measures proposed in the new Framework Agreement include the following:

*Pay increases for the years 2023 and 2024 in accordance with what is agreed upon at the CAIB Civil Servants’ Round Table.
*Development and implementation of the professional teaching career, during 2023 and until 2027 through the creation of a specific teaching career supplement, part of which must be for all teachers and consolidable, and another part, renewable periodically associated with the recognition of teaching practice:
*A new allowance for all teachers is made in three tranches: for teachers with 6 or more years of seniority (360 €/year), for teachers with 12 or more years (720 €/year) and for teachers with 18 or more years (1.080 €/year). The proposal is for the first tranche to be paid in September 2024.
*A new non-consolidable and mutually exclusive allowance of three types: Level 2 allowance (€360/year) for teachers in schools with less than 16 units with certain functions and level 1 allowance (€720/year) for teachers in schools with more than 16 units. In relation to these two allowances, the payable functions, the number of years to be calculated and the start of the payment is still to be negotiated with the trade unions.
A management team allowance is also proposed, involving a 20% increase in the head teacher’s allowance and a 40% increase in the allowance for the head of studies, secretary and assistant head of studies, linked to the presentation of the project and selection, as well as to a positive evaluation for renewal.

*Elimination of the incompatibility between the tutoring allowance and the department head allowance.
*Completion of the procedure for the integration of technical vocational training teachers into the body of secondary school teachers.
*The annual call for competitive examinations in 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027.
*Creation of a group of permanent replacements for teaching staff in Ibiza and Formentera and Menorca.
*Achievement of the 18 teaching hours for secondary school teaching staff within a maximum period of four academic years.
*Achievement within four academic years of 24 hours of direct teaching for infant and primary school teachers.
*Progressive reduction of ratios, within 4 years, by 10% of the maximum ratios in those schools with an ISEC of less than -0.25, and between 10% and 20% in centres with preferential attention and maintaining average ratios below the current ones.
*Consolidation in the 2023 financial year of administrative assistant positions in early childhood and primary education centres.
*Restoration of paid and unpaid study leave from the 2023-24 school year. The criteria and number of leaves of absence must be negotiated in the Education Sectorial Table.
*Proposal to review and update the measures of the social action funds.
*Voluntary unpaid half-day reduction for all teaching staff, whenever possible.
*Creation of a working group to review the catalogue of occupational illnesses.
*Regulation, after negotiation with the trade unions, of paid leave for own business for both civil servants and temporary teaching staff, and of unpaid leave.
*Revision and new regulation, following negotiation in the Education Sectoral Roundtable, of the instructions on teachers’ timetables in order to implement the 35-hour working day in the teaching profession, specify the limits on days of attendance at the centre for teachers with reduced working hours and review the number of hours of free disposal, among others.
*Inclusion in teacher training plans of specific training by speciality and teaching in the different areas.
*Negotiation within the framework of the Sectoral Education Round Table on aspects related to obtaining the different levels of the reference framework for digital competence in teaching.

*Negotiation of a protocol for assaults on teachers.
*Drawing up an equality plan.
*Proposal for an Education Infrastructure Plan 2023-2027 and accountability for the implementation of the 2016-2023.
*Proposal for an air conditioning plan for schools, including an audit of the state of schools and an investment plan within the framework of the Territorial Cooperation Fund.

All of these measures must be implemented in accordance with the adoption of the partial agreements adopted at the Sectoral Roundtable and the availability of funds.