Valencia takes the Balearic Islands as an example in the protection of Posidonia and the conservation of protected natural areas

Feb 13, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

For three days, technical staff from both communities have shared experiences and common strategies

The director general of Natural Spaces and Biodiversity, Llorenç Mas, and the director general of Natural Environment and Environmental Assessment of the Generalitat Valenciana, Julio Gómez, visited the Cabrera Archipelago Maritime-Terrestrial National Park on Friday to learn about the management projects being carried out. This visit brings to a close a three-day technical seminar in which staff from the Departments of the Environment and Territory, Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition shared common strategies for biodiversity conservation.

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The Directorate General for the Natural Environment and Environmental Assessment has shown interest in following the example of the Balearic Islands with the management model for the removal of Posidonia from beaches, as well as the implementation of an information service for sailors with the Posidonia Telephone, the updated mapping of Posidonia and its consultation through the application.

Mas thanked the Valencian technical staff for their visit and said that “we are proud that pioneering actions such as those we set up in the Balearic Islands during the last term of office serve as an experience for other territories, which at the same time help us to improve the measures developed”. In this regard, the director general pointed out that, in Spain, “only the Balearic Islands and Valencia have developed specific regulations for the conservation of Posidonia”.

For his part, Gómez placed the visit in the context of sharing experiences of the environmental values shared by the two territories, and in the importance of continuing to demand key aspects of competence for the management of marine biodiversity.

With regard to the conservation of protected natural areas, the marine stewardship agreement between the Regional Ministry of the Environment and Territory and GEN-GOB and Soldecocos was highlighted. It should be remembered that this participatory governance project is a pioneer in Spain, and is currently being carried out on the Levante islets of Eivissa and Formentera after the respective Natura 2000 Network Management Plans were approved.

They also visited the Toro and Malgrats marine reserves with technical staff from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to learn about the management and monitoring of these areas in the Balearic Islands. The archipelago is the region with the largest number of marine reserves, ten to be precise, covering more than 66,000 hectares.