More than 7000 pupils have enjoyed the educational activities of the Fundació Mallorca Literària this academic year

Jul 1, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The number of participants has increased by almost 30% compared to the previous academic year

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Educational activities of the Fundació Mallorca Literària this academic year

The Fundació Mallorca Literària has closed the academic year 2022-23 with a total of 283 sessions of educational activities carried out in 73 educational centres and libraries. That translates into 7122 children and young people who have been able to enjoy the educational offer of the Fundació Mallorca Literària this school year. Thus, the number of participants has increased by almost 30% compared to the academic year 2021-22.

The educational service is one of the pillars of the Fundació Mallorca Literària, which each year offers a diverse programme of activities for all educational cycles around the different areas of work of the MLF: roots heritage, literature, poetry and landscape.

The Fundació Mallorca Literària’s educational service

The educational activities offered by the Fundació Mallorca Literària aim to raise awareness of the figures and works of the writers of the literary museum centres it manages, while at the same time disseminating and promoting knowledge of Mallorca’s literary and cultural heritage.

The MLF provides educational institutions, libraries, spaces and socio-cultural entities with a wide range of activities, as well as educational materials, mostly free of charge or at a symbolic cost.

Educational offer 2022-23

In the 2022-23 academic year, a total of 17 different activities have been offered, aimed at pupils of all educational levels:

Visit Casa Llorenç Villalonga. Literary Museum
Visit to the Museu de la paraula. Rafel Ginard House
Visit to Casa Blai Bonet. Poetry Centre
Illa dels Tresors in the classroom: the game begins!
Boiets i juganers: jocs i tallers de l’Illa dels Tresors (Games and Players: Games and Workshops of the Illa dels Tresors)
Life and Death: Night of the Souls and All Saints’ Day
EN PARLAM: Celebrating life and death
Festa o bonda: Darrers Dies i Quaresma (Feast or festival)
Creative writing workshop
Les Contadors
Poetic laboratory
Poetry X Slam
Passejar entre mots: descobreix el teu redol (Walk among words: discover your own roundabout)
Illa dels Tresors Route: Legendary Palma
Legendary and literary Palma route
Literary Routes 2nd and 3rd cycle Primary, ESO, Batxillerat
The educational service of the MLF is currently working on the educational offer for the academic year 2023-24, which is expected to be published on 1 September with new activities and the consolidation of the most successful proposals.

All the information about the educational activities can be consulted on the website