IBDONA subsidises studies and research for the promotion of equal opportunities and the eradication of male violence with 87,877 €.

Jul 2, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Balearic Women’s Institute (IBDONA) has resolved the 2023 subsidies with a total value of €87,877.35 for five non-profit organisations with the aim of promoting or encouraging equal opportunities between women and men, or the prevention and eradication of male violence.

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On 29 June, the grants were resolved, and in some cases will receive 100% of the amount requested.

Specifically, grants have been awarded to the following entities:

  • IRES, for research on homeless women (€20,000).
  • Red Cross, for a study on women who care for themselves (€8,902.15).
  • Andiara, for a study on sexual expression in geriatric homes, especially in women (€19,970).
  • Themis, for a study on the employment situation and gender-based violence among women engaged in domestic and care work (€18,983.20).
  • Asociación de Altas Capacidades y Talentos de Eivissa y Formentera, for a study on the visibility and opportunities of girls and women with high abilities in the Pitiusas (€20,000).