2022 Income Tax Campaign

Jul 7, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

More than 12 million taxpayers received their refund at the end of the
of the Income Tax Campaign in the amount of 8,300 million euros

Tax Campaign

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 More than 80% of the refunds have already been paid and more than 70% of the amounts requested
 During the campaign, 22,889,000 tax returns have been filed, including more than 1,000,000,000
tax returns have been filed, including more than 1,070,000 through the telephone filing service (plan
telephone filing service (‘Le Llamamos’ plan) and more than 779,000 through the
more than 779,000 at the tax offices, while the number of tax returns filed
23.6% increase in those submitted through the ‘app’.
 The ‘virtual assistant’ and the Renta ‘Informador’ will remain
active throughout the year after a campaign in which they have provided more than 522,000
more than 522,000 answers to taxpayers who have used these tools
these tools are designed to make it easier for taxpayers to
preparation of the tax return

The Tax Agency has already returned 8,301 million euros to 12,041,000,000 taxpayers. 8,301 million euros to 12,041,000 taxpayers at the end of the Income Tax 2022 Personal Income Tax (IRPF 2022) tax return campaign (IRPF 2022), so, as of 3 July, 80.2% of the refunds requested by a number of taxpayers had already been paid. of the refunds requested in number and 70.1% in amount have been paid, ratios similar to last year’s similar to those of last year at the same time.

The acceleration in refunds paid (+7.7% in number and +13.8% in amount) is the result of the increase in the number of refunds paid (+7.7% in number and +13.8% in amount).
in number and +13.8% in amount) is the result of the increase in taxpayers’ requests for refunds.
taxpayers’ requests for refunds. At the close of the campaign, a total of
a total of 22,889,000 tax returns had been filed, 3.9% more than the previous year, of which two-thirds of the
year, of which two-thirds (15,021,000) resulted in a refund and 6,384,000 (15,021,000) in a refund.
6,384,000 with a refund and 6,384,000 with a balance to be paid.

Personalised assistance
With regard to the ways of filing tax returns, the ‘Le
We Call You plan for filing returns by telephone remains the main filing system with personalised
main filing system with personalised assistance, with 1,070,000 returns, a figure very similar to last year’s, representing almost 58% of all returns filed. represents almost 58% of all returns filed with personalised assistance. personalised assistance.

The remaining 779,000 returns were filed at the tax offices, 20.1% more than last year.
offices, 20.1% more than the previous year in the context of the lifting of health restrictions.
health restrictions. This provides a double alternative for those taxpayers less accustomed to
taxpayers less accustomed to new technologies who require personalised assistance, with and without
requiring personalised assistance, with or without having to go to a physical office.
physical office.
Telematic channels
In any case, most taxpayers continue to file their income tax returns online.
filing their income tax returns online. In the campaign that
campaign, 21,039,000 tax returns were filed by this means,
91.9% of the total, of which 20,514,000 were via the Agency’s website, 3.1% more than in the previous year.
the Agency’s website, 3.1% more than the previous year.

This figure for online filings also includes the 525,100 returns filed via the Agency’s mobile application,
which this year has seen a sharp increase of 23.6% in filings. Of these returns, more than 396,800 (+31.6%), correspond to ‘one-click’ and ‘click-and-collect’ filings.
correspond to ‘one-click’ filings and the rest are taxpayers who have been referred by the ‘app’ to Renta Web to make some modification and have returned to the
modifications and have returned to the app to complete the filing.

More than 522,000 answers on the web to taxpayers’ queries The main new feature of this campaign, the ‘Virtual Income Tax Assistant’, together with the ‘Informer’, will continue to be used by taxpayers to answer their questions.
with the ‘Informador’ will continue to be available on the Tax Agency’s website at the end of the campaign to resolve any doubts about the tax that taxpayers may have on subsequent dates.

During these almost three months of the campaign, the ‘virtual assistant’ has provided more than 272,000 answers to taxpayers to resolve their doubts about the
Income Tax. The ‘assistant’ represents a further step in the flexibility of the help system offered by the Agency, given that taxpayers can ask it
questions in natural language to arrive at the answer they need.

This complements the complete query clarification service that has been provided since last year by the Income Tax ‘Informer’, which has
more than 250,000 answers in the current campaign.

Together, both tools have provided 522,000 answers to taxpayers, 3.5 times more than the ‘Informador’ in last year’s campaign.
last year’s campaign.

At the same time, this assistance in resolving tax queries is in addition to the assistance provided through the traditional telephone channel for resolving tax queries, which during the campaign
This channel has dealt with more than 2,145,000 calls from different taxpayers during the campaign.

Wealth Tax
At the same time as the Income Tax Campaign, the Wealth Tax Campaign was also carried out, which had to be declared by
those taxpayers with a tax liability to pay (after applying the corresponding deductions and allowances), and also those with a tax liability to pay who last year had a tax liability of
taxpayers who last year had assets and rights worth more than two million euros. At the close of the campaign, more than 228,000 tax returns had been
more than 228,000 Wealth tax returns have been registered, and the amount to be paid had reached 1,229 million euros.