45.6% of children from 0 to 3 years of age are in school, the highest percentage in history

Jul 7, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The enrollment in the first cycle of kindergarten is up 6.8%, with 29,919 students more than the previous year, according to the statistics ‘Advance data 2022-2023’ published.

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Children from 0 to 3 years of age are in school

The number of Vocational Training students rises by 4.8%, up to 1,079,779 students.
In total, the number of students enrolled in non-university education is 8,309,575, 56,749 more than in the previous academic year
The Government has approved the creation of 65,000 places for children from 0 to 3 years old and has financed the creation of more than 250,000 places in Vocational Training, with the forecast of exceeding 330,000.
The number of children from 0 to 3 years of age attending school has increased by 6.8% in the 2022-23 school year compared to the previous year, with 29,919 more schoolchildren. With this, the schooling rate in this stage of the first cycle of preschool, considered key for the equity of the educational system, reaches 45.6%, it’s highest level since data has been available, according to the statistic ‘Advance data 2022-2023’, published today by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, with data from the autonomous communities.

In the case of 2-year-old children, the schooling rate exceeds 70%, up to 71.3%, when in the 2021-22 academic year it stood at 64.2%. In addition, the number of centres offering this non-compulsory education cycle has increased by 6.5%, with 672 more centres (492 public and 1 private).

In total, 8,309,575 students are enrolled in all non-university general education stages, 4,280,699 boys and 4,028,876 girls, 56,749 more (+0.7%) than the previous year.

The courses that grew the most, after the first cycle of preschool, were those of Vocational Training, which totalled 1,079,779 students, 49,727 more than the previous year (+4.8%). By grade, the Basic Grade has 3,026 more students (+4%), the Intermediate Grade 17,302 (+4.1%) and the Higher Grade 27,852 (+5.2%). The number of students in specialization courses increased by 1,547 students (+57.6%).

In the rest of the education system, there was a reduction in the number of students in the second cycle of Infant Education, with a decrease of 40,895 boys and girls (-3.4%), in Primary Education, with 14,585 fewer students (-0.5%), while the number of students enrolled in Compulsory Secondary Education grew, with 34,414 more students (+1.7%). Baccalaureate enrollment remained stable, with a slight decrease of 2,669 students (-0.4%).

As for the teaching staff, 769,749 teachers are teaching this year, 11,155 more than the previous year (+1.5%). Of these, 555,971 work in public schools and 213,778 in concentrated and private schools. In total, 28,613 educational centres carry out their activity, 19,206 public and 9,407 subsidized and private.

The statistics also include the latest data on the number of Ukrainians displaced by the war in their country who are enrolled in school in Spain. The figure is close to 40,000 youngsters (39,507), 13,209 more than those enrolled at the end of last year.

School enrollment from 0 to 3 years of age had fallen sharply during the 2020-21 school year as a result of the pandemic and had recovered in the 2021-22 school year to reach its historical maximum this year.

Promoting this educational stage is a major priority of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, which has approved the allocation of a total of 670 million euros over three years for the creation of more than 65,000 free public places in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education. Of this investment, the first two tranches have already been distributed to the autonomous communities, totalling 532 million euros for the creation of some 43,500 places.

Another priority objective of the Ministry is the modernization of Vocational Training, and for this reason, it has already financed the creation of more than 250,000 places, with the forecast of exceeding 330,000 places, in order to respond to the growing demand from students.