Equality launches the 028 Arcoíris Service for information and comprehensive care on LGTBI rights

Jul 8, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry of Equality today launches the 028 Arcoíris (Rainbow) Service, which provides comprehensive information and assistance on LGTBI rights. This is the first time that a service of this kind has been set up in Spain, with uninterrupted opening hours and covering the entire country.

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The public service, which will attend to victims of hate crimes and discrimination due to LGTBIphobia, will be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and will have a team of professionals with specialised training and will offer, in addition to basic care, psychological and legal assistance. Calls will be free and confidential, accessible to people with hearing and/or speech disabilities, and will be answered in Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque, English and French.

The free number chosen, 028, refers to 28 June, LGTBI Pride Day, to make it easier to remember. The service, in addition to the telephone, will also be offered via email 028-online@igualdad.gob.es and an online chat.

The aim of this service, which will work in coordination with similar services in the Autonomous Regions, is to ensure that no one, in any corner of Spain, will be left without comprehensive assistance in the event of any discrimination, or hate crime due to LGTBIphobia or to resolve any doubts or concerns related to sexual orientation, gender identity or sexual characteristics.

In Spain, sexual orientation and gender identity are the second cause of hate crime complaints. However, several studies say that the official figures are only the tip of the iceberg of a problem burdened by under-reporting. The aim of this service is, firstly, to bring to light all the discrimination and violence that is still hidden, and secondly, to provide help, assistance and resources to the victims of these crimes.