Llorenç Galmés takes over the Presidency of the Consell de Mallorca

Jul 9, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

He has been appointed, this Saturday 8th July, president of the Consell de Mallorca until 2027.

Llorenç Galmés

The president of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Margalida Prohens, has attended the act of constitution of the Consell de Mallorca and the inauguration of Llorenç Galmés as president of the institution.

WhatsApp Image 2023 07 09 at 11.27.22 min 1

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His speech has highlighted the legitimacy obtained at the ballot box.
He has counted on the support of Vox, with the ‘yes’ of his five councillors, with which Galmés obtained an absolute majority of 18 deputies out of a total of 33.

In his speech, he highlighted various measures, among them:
Lower taxes,
Elimination of the Bus-VAO lane
limitation to 80 kilometres per hour on the Vía de Cintura,
auditing the IMAS