The Government reduces the number of senior officials and advisors in its new structure by 17, saving one million euros a year in the Balearic Islands.

Jul 11, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The Consell de Govern approves in its first meeting after the inauguration of the ministers, the new organisation chart of the Executive.

\ The new structure reduces the number of ministries from 11 to 10.

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The Vice President, Minister of Economy, Finance and Innovation and new spokesman for the Balearic Islands Government, Toni Costa, appeared today to give an account of the agreements of the first Consell de Govern after the new ministers took office, in which the new structure of the government of President Margalida Prohens was signed, and which will mean the reduction of 17 senior officials and advisors, with a saving of one million euros a year for citizens.

Costa has detailed that the new structure will reduce one ministry from 11 to 10, six general directors, one regional secretary and 9 temporary staff positions in charge of the Government, a total of 17 fewer positions than the outgoing Government, which means reducing the cost of the Executive from 8.42 million to 7.41 million. A saving of one million euros, which represents 12%.

On the other hand, the spokesperson of the Government has informed that Fridays will be recovered as the date for holding the meetings of the Consell de Govern, as they had been until the last legislatures.