Víctor Martí, Mayor of Binissalem, invites us to get to know the Shopping Night, a highlight of the Festes de Sant Jaume festival.

Jul 11, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Binissalem celebrates Saint James from the 15th to the 26th of July. The Shopping Night, which is held on July 15th, from 7 pm to midnight, has become one of the most important events to get to know the great work carried out by the establishments and shops of Binissalem.

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1 Rosa Canva rotary 2023 07 11T084216.270 min 1

Shopping Night

Víctor Martí will tell us about this important date, which will be closed at 24:30 hours with a raffle in the Plaza of the tickets obtained by shoppers during the Shopping Night.

What do the Fiestas de San Jaime mean to Binissalem?
Saint James is the patron saint of our town. These festivities are very special, the children have finished school and parents are looking for a place where they can share the space and time that these dates offer us.

We live in a society that has evolved towards a multicultural and diverse model, and these festivities are a time to enjoy together with respect and tolerance. Binissalem has always been a model.

The fiestas are a parenthesis in the daily routine of a town.
I want to urge everyone to go out, look each other in the eye, forgive each other’s mistakes and make these moments of coexistence belong to everyone and for everyone.

What can we find at the Shopping Night on 15 July?
The town’s shops will dress up in their best clothes and will go out into the street to promote their products and experience the fiestas of San Jaime in a different way.
There will be entertainment and raffles in the square.

Which shops are taking part in the Shopping Night?

The participating shops are:

Tot Punt
Bonaire 15
Terra di vino
Supermercat Suma

Can Novell
Bar Americano-Casino
Perruqueria Shiro-My Outfit

Which shops are collaborating on the Shopping Night?

The shops collaborating are:

Bella Dona
Vins Nadal
Forn Nou
De tot un poc
Florist Asen Castillo
Vida i més
Cap i cua
Can López
Mecànica Borras
Marilyn style
Perruqueria Juana Maria Sastre
Centre Ioga Ca S’Òliba
BIP BIP Supermarket
Gestoria Catalina Vallés
Vanesa Aranda hairdresser
Ca Sa Massat