Health will renew the decree law regulating urgent and emergent care in the Balearic Islands for European citizens

Health will renew the decree law regulating urgent and emergent care in the Balearic Islands for European citizens

In 2024, 24,802 urgent care cases involving EU and British citizens were referred to private healthcare centres. The Regional Ministry of Health has announced the renewal of Decree-Law 1/2024 of 22 March, which regulates urgent and emergency care for European citizens...
More than 10,000 pupils on the Balearic Islands will enjoy the educational concerts of ‘Viu la Cultura’ this academic year

More than 10,000 pupils on the Balearic Islands will enjoy the educational concerts of ‘Viu la Cultura’ this academic year

This programme is promoted by the Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats with the collaboration of the Conselleria de Turisme, Cultura i Esports. The recitals ‘Cap-pela, 30 anys’, in which 1,400 students from Mallorca took part at the Conservatori Professional de...
Agricultural and livestock farms will be able to form part of the Local Sustainable Industry brand, which aims to reduce their carbon footprint

Agricultural and livestock farms will be able to form part of the Local Sustainable Industry brand, which aims to reduce their carbon footprint

The Regional Ministers of Enterprise, Employment and Energy, and Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment signed an agreement to promote the ILS project in the agricultural sector. ILS offers industries advantages in different calls for subsidies and a...
The Consell d’Eivissa presents an extensive programme of events for 8M with the slogan ‘for an inclusive look at equality’

The Consell d’Eivissa presents an extensive programme of events for 8M with the slogan ‘for an inclusive look at equality’

During the press conference, councillor Carolina Escandell presented the new director of the Women’s Office, Lourdes García. Alongside the 8M programme, a report on the actions carried out by the Department of Equality was presented for the first time. The...