This action will reform the heating installation of the centre, improving the thermal comfort of students and teachers.
The Regional Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has just published the tender for the improvement project of the CIFP Juníper Serra de Palma on the Public Sector Procurement Platform of the Ministry of Finance and Public Function. This action goes out to tender for an amount of 227,562.97 euros and a completion period of 4 months.
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The project involves reforming the centre’s heating system and improving the infrastructure, which will benefit more than 1,145 students at the centre.
Reform of the heating system at CIFP Juníper Serra de Palma
With a budget of more than 227,000 euros and an execution period of 4 months, the project will allow for a significant improvement in the school’s infrastructure.
Currently, the air conditioning of the CIFP Juníper Serra, which shares the site and buildings with the IES Son Cladera, has three types: fan coils by ducts and multi-tubes (circuit reformed in 2010), heat pump in the audiovisual building and radiators in the rest. The purpose of the project is to reform the radiator heating installation, maintaining the same typology, but replacing emitters, and pipes and improving the routes.
As this is an action related to improving the energy efficiency of the school, it will be eligible for funding under the Insularity Factor (RDL 4/2019).
This action of more than 227 thousand euros is one of the works planned in the Educational Infrastructure Plan 2016-2023 for all the Balearic Islands, which aims to respond in an orderly and objective manner to the structural needs of the schools in the Balearic Islands.