Tribute to the workers of the Consell de Mallorca who are retiring this year and to those who have been working at the institution for 25 years

Dec 23, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

President Llorenç Galmés thanked them for their work and dedication during so many years at the service of the Majorcans.

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Tribute to the workers of the Consell de Mallorca

The plenary hall of the Consell de Mallorca today hosted a tribute to the employees of the institution who are retiring this year and also to those who have been working at the institution for 25 years. The president of the island institution, Llorenç Galmés, thanked them for their dedication and dedication over so many years in the service of Mallorcans. In his speech, Galmés stated that “it is precisely this dedication that we are recognising today, on behalf of the Consell de Mallorca and all Mallorcans. You have contributed to improving the lives of those of us who live in this land, and for that, we will always be grateful to you”.

In 2023, 64 employees of the Consell de Mallorca and the Institut Mallorquí d’Afers Socials (IMAS) will be retiring. In this sense, President Galmés has told them that “after a lifetime working in this house, you will now have the opportunity to explore new interests, spend more time with your families and enjoy the freedom that retirement brings. And you can do so with the satisfaction of having fulfilled, to a large extent, your task”.

On the other hand, 70 employees are celebrating 25 years of working at the institution this year. Llorenç Galmés praised their work and encouraged them to continue with the same professionalism and dedication “to achieve the objectives and challenges of this new stage”.

They were all presented with a gift, and President Galmés stressed that “the doors of this house, which is also theirs, will always be open to them”. Finally, the President of the Consell de Mallorca took the opportunity to wish them a good holiday season and a happy New Year 2024.