Accompanied by the Consellera de Hacienda y Función Pública, he has visited the members of the Calvià Fire Station who are on duty on Christmas Eve.
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President Galmés congratulates Christmas
The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, has visited the Fire Station of Calvià to congratulate the Christmas holidays to the workers who are on duty on Christmas Eve and to thank the work of the Firefighters of Mallorca, an essential service of the island.
Galmés wanted to highlight the great work they do and their professionalism and has conveyed his best wishes for the holidays. “Today the most important thing is not only to wish a Merry Christmas, but to thank those who this December 24, and during this holiday season, will not be able to be with their families to continue providing an essential public service to all Mallorcans. Specifically, the Firefighters of Mallorca will be forty-one troops, two sergeants and two technicians who will be on duty today “.
During the visit, president Galmés was accompanied by the councillor of Finance and Public Function, Pilar Bonet; the insular director of Emergencies, Joan Fornàs; and the councillors of Calvià Loli Godoy and Esperança Català.
The Consell de Mallorca will continue with these visits to the different fire stations of the island during the Christmas holidays.